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Venus woke up, perched on one of the many huge red sofas–that she had ended up sleeping on– the next morning, after being smacked in the head with a pillow multiple times before she finally opened her eyes and grabbed the pillow from her attacker and striked them in the face, hoping to be left alone so that she could continue her sleep.

Sadly, that was not the case.

"First of all– ouch, that hurt" said james, bringing his hand up to his head, "and second, its Christmas!" He continued, excitedly.

"That's why you woke me up!?!"

"Yeah?" He replied, abit confused as to why she didnt seem to care that Christmas had officially started and they finally had the holiday that they had been waiting for, for what felt like years.

"Could you be any less excited?" Peter asked, with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, actually– I could"  she replied   followed by a small chuckle and a slight nod of her head.

The two boys rolled their eyes and both grabbed one of her arms and pulled her up, basically dragging her up the stairs, up to their dorm where the other two were.

Once they had got there, they opened the door and she was greeted by remus,

"So–you finally got her to wake up!?  How'd you do it? How did you not die?" Said remus as he looked at the two boys holding up his sleepy friend.

"He wacked me in the face like fifty times" the girl awnsered with a groan as she nodded her head to james

"You hit me too!" The boy defended

"Only because you woke me up by hitting me in the–"

"HEY– stop fighting. Its getting boring, stop" remus said

James both exchanged a confused look with eachother and then both looked at remus,

"Shut up" they both said in unison

Sirius giggled and then looked over at the window and a smile tugged at the edge of his lips as he said,

"Its snowing!"

They instantly stopped what they were doing and all ran over to the window, they all loved the snow.


After a while of fighting over weather to go out in the snow or open presents– Sirius and venus wanting to go out in the snow and the others wanting to open presents– the winning vote was on staying in for presents and then going out in the freezing cold, so they all went downstairs, to the common room and james, remus and peter all huddled by the huge tree and sorted out who's presents were who's and then they looked over to their other two friends, who were awkwardly standing behind one of the sofas and sneaking a few glances at the tree.

"You coming" asked peter

"Nah" they both said after confirming to themselves that none of the presents under that tree belonged to them.

"Why not" james asked them, looking a bit grumpy

"Too old for presents" they said at almost the exact same time, which  only made james more suspicious about his idea about them being related– which he had not actually  thought about in quite a long time.

Venus and sirius both shared a short glance at eachother after noticing that they had both said the same thing.

They were pushed back out of their thoughts when peter almost shouted,

"To Old fOr PreSentS?! What do you Meann? no on is too old for presents. Ever"

Venus and sirius looked at eachother before saying, "We are" and then walking away, quickly followed by james, peter and remus

"You can share my presents" James offered his friends, as they came to a stop and sat down on one of the stairs, before venus said,

"Nah, it's fine. I never get presents anyway"

"Same" added sirius, who looked at venus and then out of the window, she followed his gaze and then nodded

"We're gonna go out, in the snow" sirius informed them

They nodded their heads and James added

"We'll see ya soon then"


And with that, they went out, into the cold white snow that covered the entire ground.

Thank you for reading

Sorry it's short

School has started for me again so they won't be that long. Sorry

Unloved- Maruders Era  DISCONTINUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें