
"Are you working on the Charms essay? I mean, theoretical Finite Incantatem? I don't even know where to start."

Ariadne threw her bag onto a library chair before sliding into the chair across from Ginny's, having elected to catch up on the homework that she had neglected over the weekend in favor of worrying about Harry. He was fine, of course, and Ariadne received regular updates from Hermione just in case, but Ariadne had had quite the day those few days ago, and decided to give herself time to recuperate.

"Ariadne!" Ginny startled, dropping her quill abruptly and turning faintly pink. She moved to slide the paper she had been working on under her Transfiguration book on the table. "No, er, I was writing a get-well card. For Harry."

"Oh," said Ariadne. She realized she was silent for a moment too long before pasting a smile onto her face. "That's sweet. He'll like that." It was sweet. And Harry would like it. So why did Ariadne feel mildly nauseous when she looked at the card?

Ariadne looked around the room, hoping to catch anything besides Ginny's eye. A small blonde entered the library, and Ariadne was quick to wave her over.


Astoria brightened when she found Ariadne was the one calling her, and she ran over to their table quickly. Shoving Ariadne's bag off of the seat, Astoria took its place before primly placing her own bag onto the floor.


Astoria ignored Ariadne in favor of eyeing Ginny apprehensively. Ginny had stopped writing her card in order to eye Astoria right back. Sensing tension, Ariadne searched for any topic to bring up to distract them.

Literally anything.

"Ginny! Astoria's house is full of the latest muggle technology. More than I'd ever seen, even. Your dad would love it, from what you've told me about him."

"Well, we don't really advertise that," Astoria hissed, looking nervous. Once she saw nothing but curiosity on Ginny's face, however, she softened. The downside of speaking only to Slytherins for too long. "But, er, if you're interested, maybe you could come by some time? You and Ariadne, this summer?

"Yeah, wicked," Ginny said casually. "That would be fun."

Ariadne worked to keep a smile off of her face to avoid ruining her progress, but she was inwardly very pleased to have arranged for two of her friends to get along with one another. This satisfaction, however, lasted only very shortly.

"So, did you go to see Madam Pomfrey? After, you know–" Astoria asked, looking over Ariadne as if to see any dementor remnants days later. Ginny looked up, concerned.

"Yes," Ariadne half-lied before speaking again to divert their attention. She did technically see Madam Pomfrey, after all. "Yes, and I saw Harry."

"How is he?" Ginny asked, her voice surprisingly small. "I had never seen Fred and George so serious."

"He's fine. I thought– I thought he wouldn't be, but he's fine."

"'Course he's fine!" Astoria interjected dismissively. "He's the Boy-Who-Lived, after all. Daphne swears he's invincible. I think she's got a crush on him, mind you, the way she goes on, but she might be onto something." She lowered her voice to a whisper, as though repeating some salacious gossip. "I heard he got bit by a Basilisk and survived."

"He did," Ariadne confirmed, but Ginny spoke over her.

"A crush?" Ginny's casual tone was very deliberate now, and she did not quite look at Astoria as she urged her to say more.

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