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    The wooden door squeaks loudly and slowly as I pull it open to take a look inside. Listening closely for anything, I make my way in. At least this time I'm not stupid enough to check something out without some form of protection.

     It's pretty dark inside, all that's lighting the way is the sun that's beaming through the few windows that are actually here. I trip over something big, squinting to get a look at what it was a sudden raft of stench fills the air. I gag, realizing I'd just tripped over a little girls mangled body. I was not prepared for this kind of thing. This girl couldn't of been over 6 years old. I move away slowly thinking she's about to sit up and come at me. But my eyes travel from her feet up to a gruesome hollowed out hole left from what seemed like a flesh eater having a meal on her stomach. Then my eyes move up to the little girls head, there's a bullet wound. At least she never had to turn into one of those things.

     I hear a far sound from the back of the building, it sends chills up my spine could the thing that had a meal off this girl still be in here? There could be more for all I know. I gradually make my way to the back where I heard the noise. Clanking the shovel on a plastic chair, the kind I remember sitting in when at school events or something like that. I wait for a reaction to the noise, but nothing responses.

   Deciding it's safe to continue, I began to look around for anything savable. I come across the place where the kids used to hang up their back packs. All the hooks where back packs should be hanging are empty  except for two of them. I grab the one that looks like it could hold the most and take it to a place in the sunlight. I began to empty it out, the first thing I pull out is a card to whose ever back pack this was mom. It's hand drawn by a 5 year old, saying " I love you mommie!" with her and her mommie drawn holding hands. I tear up the girl drawn here probably isn't exact replica, but my heart tells me the artist was in this room with me. The little girl that I tripped over.

   I get up and walk over to her, I lift her hand placing the card under it. Then I remover a stuff kitten from the book bag and place it with her too. There's nothing else that I feel would be very valuable to her so I find a sheet or blanket and place it over her, under my breath I whisper "I hope you rest in peace from now on."

   I leave the rest of the coloring books, books, marks, and crayons on a table that probably was once the arts and crafts table. Probably the exact place she had made the card too. With the back pack empty it was time to pack it with whatever I could find.

  I make my way to where there's a kitchen, and my heart skips a beat. A cabinet sits wide open, full of canned goods! I start to put as much as I can in the bag not wanting to make it to heavy though. If anything I can come back, there's a low chance anyone else will show up and take it. If they do oh well, my lost.

   I turn around to a screeching sound, to find a raccoon staring back at me like I was in it's home. I jumped at it with my shovel and it took off. That most have been the noise from earlier.

   Making my way to the back, I come to a sliding glass door with bloody hand prints smeared all over. In the back yard of the school house there's a play ground set. There's an adult body laying out under the jungle gym. The girls mom! I'm openning the door and setting my stuff down before I know what I am doing. Then I've got the girl and her mom laying beside each other, I try my best to get their hands together. I then recover them together.

   I go back and get my stuff and realize it'll be dark anytime now. I should get back to the house.

   On the road I can hear so many of them somewhere in the trees, but I just can't see them. It's terrifying. I turn on to the road to the house, when something jumps out of the bushes at me. I stumble backwards, bringing the shovel up between me and the flesh eating women. She looks like she was one of the first few hundred to be turned because you can barely tell it's a woman with all the skin hanging down her face. More of her buddies come out of the bushes behind her, I push her back causing her to knock into one of the others. I turn and run for the house. It's close I can see it, but there's light on. Like a lantern is lit. I keep running towards it hoping they don't mind the company. I run up the stairs to front porch, peading "Please let me in!"

   "What the fucks that?"  a rough redneck voice says, "Sounds like a girl in need of help" says another voice, there seemed like amusement in his voice. Which if I hadn't been in the situtation I was it would of swayed me wrong. But at this moment I was scared for my life. One of the flesh eaters was making it's way up the stairs already, I turn and whack the ugly guy two times. Hearing the door open I'm yelled at to get inside. The guys take care of the rest and come back in.

   I'm sitting on the floor across the room trying to catch my breath when one of them squats down in front of me. "That's gonna cost you girl." says the guy with the amusement in his voice. I'm staring at the ground and fear fills my insides. What the hell did that mean? I look up at him with fear in my eyes, a smile goes across his face, I look to the other guy for an idea of what that meant but he just looked away from me.  

  Something bad was going to happen, I needed to get out of here A.S.A.P.

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