14 - found you pt 1

Começar do início

"morning honey!" my mom said cheerfully.

i narrowed my eyes at her, "and what's got you so happy this morning mother?"

"ah nothing much! just had a good sleep," she smiled.

i huffed, and walked over to the keurig, grappling a k-cup and popping it in, i went to the fridge and got my creamer and grabbed the sugar from the counter.

after the coffee was done i checked the clock and saw that it was now seven. it seems a girl likes to take her time.

i wasn't sure if it was traffic-y and since i lived about fifteen minutes away i decided i best be on my way now.

"i'm gonna head off! have a good day at work!" i called out to my mom, my dad was already at work.

"have a great day honey!"

i grabbed my bag and my keys and headed out the door.

i had just pulled up to the school, and it was safe to say it seemed insane. the school looked large enough to house over two thousand people.

this many people lead to it being very slow, traffic wise.

it had been about twenty minutes since i left, and i was just pulling up to the school.  i drove around in search of a parking spot, and eventually found one, at least a two minute walk away from the school. fabulous.

now keep in mind, it was mid winter, and i didn't bring a coat, as i was already wearing a decently thick sweatshirt. but walking out in the cold still sucks.

i grumbled as i trudging my way towards the school, eventually getting to the door, whilst shivering my ass off.

i pushed open the door and was greeted with the scent of testosterone and pancakes. not that welcoming.

i pulled up a map of the school on my phone and looked for the office, and after scrolling through one to many websites i found a plausible map that showed my where the office was, and i headed that way.

pushing my way through student after student i made my way to the office.

i stood inside awkwardly waiting for the lady at the desk to notice me.

eventually she looked my way, "what do you need hun?"

"sorry, um, this is my first day and i'm not sure where my classes are." i said.

"oh! you must be miss ivy, i went to collage with your dad you see?" she smiled at me.

"really? wow i uh, didn't know that miss," i read her name tag, "julia."

"well then miss ivy, you first class is in room 404, over on the east side, would you like someone to escort you there?" she asked.

"ah no thanks, i think i can manage. thank you though."

"any time sweetie. good luck!" she called out as i was headed towards the door,"

"thank you!"

i had been wandering for five minutes along the east side of the school searching for room 404, which was my first period.

it was my chemistry class, with the teacher, 'mr blake' and that's about all i knew.

noah didnt have him as a teacher as i had asked him a couple days back. so i was pretty much on my own for this one.

i still had about eight minutes before the final bell rung, and yet that didn't ease my worry's.

a decent chunk of the students had cleared the halls, making it easier to find my way and read room numbers, and yet, my luck was not improving.

to my surprise, during all this i did manage to walk past my locker, and threw some of my heavier textbooks in there.

after i continued along the halls searching for the notorious room 404, but to no avail.

i did however, find a very familiar back of the head. that same someone who was supposed to be hiding from me, and he was doing a pretty shitty job.

he was just talking with one other person so i walked up behind him.

the guy he was talking to noticed this and gave me a questioning look, i simply shook my head and put a finger to my mouth. signaling to shut the fuck up.

he stopped talking, and noah asked, "what?"

i shoved him a little, and smirked, "found you."


ok ok i'm sorry, next chapter is part two cause i once again didn't feel like making a two thousand word chapter.

hehe ok bye

-number neighbor-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora