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⚠️warning BLOOD. Not your own.⚠️ might be some grammar issues or miss placed words

(Y/n) P.O.V:

It was a normal Tuesday afternoon, i was sitting in my claimed alleyway in my claimed dumpster. Yea this is kinda where i live. I actually have a shitty little apartment but i only go there if its too cold to sleep in the dumpster with my pet rats. I was waiting for my next meal to walk into the alleyway. I see a tallish figure walking down the alleyway.

'God their slouching maybe fix your damn posture' I think to my self. Even though I probably don't have much room to talk.

I jump out of my dumpster unnoticed by the figure walking currently away from me. I walk near them and notice they're a man. He was clearly drunk. He turned around and noticed me.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said in a rude tone.

"Hm? Sorry sir I'm just walking home have i bothered you in some way?" I said trying to be polite even though what i was about to do is quite rude.

"Yea stay the fuck away from me." He said while slurring his words and walking funny.

'Better now then ever' i thought to my self then rolled my eyes and pounced.

Toga's P.O.V:

I was walking back to the base from just a little side mission i was on. I had to turn down this super creepy alleyway, honestly i hate walking down alleyways cause they are stinky but what can i do i guess. As i was walking i heard some odd noises.



I didn't know what was happening. But i wanted to stick around and find out. I followed the sound and realized they were coming from behind a dumpster. I look behind the dumpster and see a man crouched down over a lifeless body.

'Oh what a beautiful site' i thought to my self.

"Hello!" I said to the man that was very clearly eating the dead body.

He turned to me in shock then fell on his butt.

"U-Uhm...hi?-" he said as he slowly backed away from me.

"What're you doing?" I asked although i already knew what was going on.

"I- uhm...i was-" he said clearly panicking.

"Eating?" I asked

"Yea...i was eating" he said scratching the back of his neck with his blood covered hand. It reminded me of shiggy.

"You kinda made a mess" i said looking at the body's ripped open chest and dripping blood then peeking at the places that has missing limbs.

"Y-yea" he said as his voice cracked.

"Are you finished?" I said crouching down poking the body.

"Yea I'm about done" he said as he put a small random piece of meat in his mouth.

"Do you have somewhere to clean up?" I said as i turned to him i wanted to take him back to the base and hang out. I don't meet many people who eat human blood so it'd be cool to get to know him! And all goes to hell id just have to kill him.

"Uhm not really?-" he said.

"OH REALLY? Do you wanna come to my place then? I can clean you up and give you clean clothes!! I think its really cool that this is what you eat! I wanna talk to you more!!" I said cutting him off. I didn't mean to be rude but i just got so excited!

"You're not gonna kill me are you?" He said as he started standing up taking a severed arm with him.

"As long as you're not a cop, or a hero, or any civil person no!" I said as i hopped up. He giggled then said
"Alright show me the way blondie."
I grab his arm and start happily skipping back to the bar.

(Y/n) P.O.V:

I was getting dragged to some random place by this random girl she seemed to be either still in school or some drop out because no way this kid is over 18.
She dragged me about six blocks to this apartment lookin building. By the time we got there i had already finished the arm i took with me and dropped it in some random dumpster.
She took me to this one door and knocked.

"Its toga hurry and open up!!!" She said looking slightly angry. I guess her name was toga?

A person with a half gray and half black mask/outfit opened the door.

"Hey toga! Why are you so loud." They said with two different tones. Thats a little odd but okay.

"Heya twice!" She said as she pushed her way through dragging me into a bar looking room.

"Toga who did you bring with you?" A gas looking thing said.

"A friend! I found him eating in a alleyway and i thought id help clean him up!" She said dragging me past the bar and into a hallway. I waved as i pasted the gas person and the being named "twice".

She took me into a room and told me to sit on her bed. I sat on the floor thought because i didn't want to get blood on her bed.

"So what do you prefer to wear?" She asked me as she dug into her closet.

"Hoodies mainly." I said as i looked around the room. I realize i said something kinda of demanding so i went to change it right away.
"B-but anything is fine" i turned to her and said waving my hands.

She 'hm'ed and left the room. She shortly came back with three hoodies a gray one, a black one, and a dark dark red one.

"Take which one you'd like!" She said as she ran to her closet and seemed to fish out sweat pants.

"Are these yours?" I asked looking at them and feeling the material.

"No but the guy who owns them lets me borrow his hoodies all the time so it doesn't matter." She said and she threw some sweat pants at me.
"Those will fit you right? You don't seem much bigger then me" she said making me feeling a little bit feminine but i brushed it off.

"Yea they'll fit."

"Great! Now! Ill show you to the shower!" She said as she grabbed the hoodie i was holding and grabbed the sweat pants. Then dragged me too another room.
"Go take a shower! Ill go find you some boxers from somewhere. Im sure i can find them somewhere" she said but that last part she said trailing off.

This was slightly weird but she was sweet and i mean cool dude a free shower. My shower doesn't work at my place and its not like i can pay for any sort of shower fixing guy so i kinda haven't showered in like a week.

Sorry it ended in a weird spot :/ Hope you like it!!

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