Chapter 2: Amber-Questions I Don't Have the Answer To...

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This day had been the day from hell, dealing with the whole Blake epidemic and Calvin and his smart-ass remarks. I knew I should have held my ground and resisted Blake. After all the shit we had gone through, things should be different. I thought all these years of pushing away the constant memories of him, along with everyone else in my past, would help me heal and move on, but no. It was more than obvious that this shit just got worse.
I pulled up to the house with Adrianna asleep in the back in her booster seat. She should be asleep after how she showed her ass at the dentist office. When I say she showed her ass, she showed her ass. It was bad enough that when we got there, she refused to get out the car, crying and kicking and screaming. Her ass was too spoiled, but not today. I wasn't in the mood for this shit today. I didn't know why she was being extra today. She bit the dentist and damn near tore the man's finger off. I hated having to whoop my child, but her ass was asking for it. She calmed down after that, but she had yet to talk to me. I stepped out the car and walked to the back seat.
"Come on, baby. We're home. Get up, baby," I spoke as I shook her. She woke up, rubbing her eyes. I picked her up and headed toward the house. Once we were in the house, she got down and headed upstairs to her room. I followed her upstairs.
"Baby, open the door," I spoke once I had reached her door. She opened the door and walked back over to her Princess Tiana table that sat in the middle of her room. I walked over and sat on the floor next to her. She didn't look up at me; she just continued to color in her coloring book.
"I know you're mad at me, Adrianna, but I'm not apologizing for whooping you. You were being disobedient, and you have to get your teeth checked, baby. You want to be like your papa? He has to wear dentures. You want to have to wear dentures at the age of five , huh?" I spoke to her as I tickled her sides.
"Nooo," she spoke in a fit of laughter.
"I'm sorry I was being bad, Mommy. I was just scared. I promise I'll be a big girl so you won't whoop me anymore."
"Okay, good, because Mommy doesn't like to see her baby cry. Come on. Let's go make some cookies."
"Mommy, how come I don't have a daddy?" There it was—the question I had tried to avoid for the past five years. What was I supposed to tell her? I couldn't tell her well, Daddy didn't want you.
"Baby, it's complicated. If I told you, you wouldn't understand, baby."
"Why? Did he want me?"
"Well, Daddy has some stuff to work out before he can be a good daddy, and I'm pretty sure when he meets you, he will love you. You don't have to worry about that right now. You have me, Mrs. Paul, Anna, Auntie Breonna, Papa, and Uncle Calvin. We all love you." I looked her in the eyes and could tell she was hurt, but what could I do?
"Come on. Let's go make some cookies."
"Okay, but can we make the red velvet ones with the white stuff on top?" Her eyes brightened at the thought of them.
"Yes, we can, and the white stuff is frosting, baby."
"Oh, okay. Momma, come on. Stop walking so slow." She ran down the stairs to the kitchen.
The rest of the night, we just stayed up, watching movies and playing around until she fell asleep. It hurt me to my core to see my baby sad. I couldn't say I didn't know it was coming. I just thought it would be way later. She saw Calvin interact with Anna all the time, so it was just a matter of time before she asked.
"Mommy, I'm ready to go. What's taking you so long? I'm ready to go play with my best friend." This little girl here.
It was now Sunday, almost two weeks since Adrianna dropped the daddy bomb on me, and I'd promised Mrs. Paula that I would come to the gathering she was having at her house today. I knew Calvin, without a doubt, would be there. As much as I wanted to stay at home, I had to keep my word. He had been impossible to work with or even be around with the way he was acting.
"I'm coming. Let me finish with my hair, baby, and then I'll be downstairs. Go watch Doc McStuffins while I get ready."
"Okay, but hurry up."
"Little girl, get popped if you want to," I turned around and spoke sternly.
We had just gotten home from Sunday service, and I had yet to change because I was too busy cleaning up Adrianna's mess. She had toys scattered all over the house.
I walked into my closet, pulling out a pair of ripped jeans and a teal, sheer, see-through, high-low, sleeveless shirt. I quickly wiggled out my dress and put on the clothes I had taken out. Once I was done, I grabbed a pair of nude sandals. I walked back into my room and sat at my vanity. I grabbed my wand and began to curl my hair. My hair had grown back out and was almost touching my butt. I usually would keep it up, but I had worn it down today. I decided to curl it so it wouldn't be such a hassle.
About fifteen minutes later, I was done curling my hair and on my way downstairs. Adrianna jumped up, hearing me come downstairs. She ran over to the table and sat by the door, grabbing my keys. She already had my purse, which explained why I couldn't find it upstairs.
"Here, Mommy. Let's go." she grabbed my hand pulling me toward the door
"Did I take too long, baby girl?"
"Yes, but you look pretty, Mommy, so I guess I can let it go." She batted her big, brown eyes at me. She'd better be glad she was cute. We headed out the door, and I turned around, making sure I locked the door. I looked ahead to see Adrianna standing at the car and waiting while tapping her foot with her hand on her hip. Damn, this girl acted just like her auntie Jessica. I walked over to the car, unlocking the doors. I picked Adrianna up and buckled her in. Once I was done, I made my way to the driver's seat. I got in, and we headed to Mrs. Paula's house.

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