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The American President has been uncovering the crimes

of the Cabal, the secret societies that have been in power,

controlling governments and banks worldwide for years.

He and other champions for the human race have

implemented a GCR, Global Currency Reset to release

funds for humanity, also restoring our legitimate US Dollar

back under government control and not the Federal Reserve.

This is what President J.F Kennedy was attempting before

he met his fate. For everyone who has been brainwashed

against President Trump, please question the source of

your info: the mainstream, Cabal controlled media!

This is a spiritual battle my friends, the Q team standing

up against pure evil, a bloodline of families that have

been secretly controlling all governments for many years.

With military help, he is rescuing children that have been

abducted for child trafficking, all by the same elite group.

And do not fear that the military may step in to curb

the riots. Because those riots are being instigated

by the same Satanic force infiltrating peaceful protests

by citizens who have gathered to support George Floyd's

family and the rights of African Americans.

Friends please understand this is far deeper than Democrats

versus Republicans. Both parties have been controlled by the

same group of evil elite, working behind the scenes for total

control of humanity.

Please put aside any personal bias towards any particular

politician at this time and know we are witnessing the final

desperate attempt by this Cabal for total control of humanity

by instilling FEAR first with the virus threat, now the riots.

This is the time for us to join together in prayer, in solidarity

to take back Our Constitution and our Planet for us,

the Children of God 

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