Chapter 21 - QUICK-WITTED

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LYOVA RASMUSSEN POV - Durmstrang Quidditch Captain

Lyova was excited yet frightened. Over the morning, she had watched how Horvat had tried to hide his feelings of anger back, but at some point, she was sure he would explode.

Impatiently, Lyova stood outside the boys changing room, waiting for them to get ready so that she could talk to them before the match.

"Last chance," somebody said behind her. She turned around and saw Flint winking with a little vial, probably filled with the antidote. Her eyes flickered from him to the vial. Lyova said nothing. Instead, she spat in front of his feet, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Too bad," he said with played sorrow, smirking at her and turning around to go. Lyova closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she entered the changing room. Her teammates looked at her with solemn faces.

She cleared her throat. "Today will be a challenge that we had never had before," Lyova began to talk to her teammates. Her voice sounded duller than she'd intended.

"Horvat, I know that you must feel angry as hell, and I appreciate that you have held that back so far. I need everyone to focus on keeping the Ravenclaw players as far away as possible from Ivo to avoid contact and provocation."

Her teammates nodded.

"And if we lose, we lose with pride." Lyova noticed that she'd grabbed her broom so tight that her knuckles went white. She exchanged one last look with her teammates and opened the door to lead them to the pitch. The noise of the audience seemed to explode as they saw them enter the field.

Lyova's Quidditch robe moved slightly while she headed towards Davies to shake his hand.

"Wow, you look frightening," Roger said with a smile as he took her hand. He seemed the complete opposite from Lyova - relaxed and almost cheerful.

"And you look like you're going to lose this game," Lyova answered while tightening her grip.

"We will see about that."

Lyova pulled her hand back to go to her team and began to shout at them.

"For the team!" she shouted at her teammates.

"За команду!"

Lyova could feel her heart begin to race as they called the exact words in Russian.

"For the Honour!"

"за честь!"

"For Durmstrang!"

"за Durmstrang!"

Madam Hooch whistled, and Lee Jordan began to commentate the game.

"Welcome everybody to today's match. I'm excited to see what Durmstrang will do today. And today is also the last chance for Ravenclaw to finally gain some points, so they don't drop to the last place."

The Ravenclaw tribune cheered noisily.

"We also have a little change with the Durmstrang lineup today, as Viktor Krum is away with the Bulgarian team. Let me introduce you to the teams then. In blue and silver, we have Burrow, Stretton, Samuels, Page, Inglebee, Chang, and their captain Davies. On the other side are Lazarev, Silva, Kazlauskas, Farkas, Orlov, the substitute seeker Horvat and their beautiful captain Rasmussen, looking better than ever."

Lyova was about to catch the quaffle when Davies appeared at her left side. She knew that he was an incredible flyer. Lyova took the quaffle and dived immediately to shake him off. Passing the quaffle to Lazarev, who gave it to Silva, she managed to dodge Rogers. Above her, Horvat was looking for the snitch, Chang, right behind him.

LYOVA RASMUSSEN - A Durmstrang Quidditch Captain.Where stories live. Discover now