Chapter 35: Chief Hakoda's Question

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Zuko left the house and was met by a bitter wind that bit at his cheeks. If he wasn't so nervous about meeting with chief Hakoda, he would have spent the walk missing how warm the Fire Nation was even in winter.

Little kids stopped and whispered to each other as he walked by, which did not help with the anxiety he was feeling. Some of them he recognized from when he tried to capture Aang a few years before. Were they still afraid of him like they had been back then?

He arrived at a small cabin that was the home of chief Hakoda. It was surprising the chief of the southern water tribe would have such a modest house. Although it made sense the more he thought about how the village had looked before the war had ended.

He hesitated for a moment before knocking on the sturdy wooden door. A few seconds later the door opened.

"Come on in," Hakoda said in a friendlier tone than Zuko had expected after what had happened the night before.

The house was warm, and a crackling fire helped make the wooden cabin feel more welcoming.

"Please have a seat," Hakoda said and motioned for him to sit in a chair near the fire. The chief walked to the small kitchen that was on the other side of the room and poured a hot liquid into a cup.

"Chamomile tea," Hakoda said and placed the cup on the coffee table in front of Zuko who thanked him awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted last night," chief Hakoda said. He took a seat in the chair opposite the Fire Lord and grabbed his own cup, only his was filled with a dark, aromatic coffee. "You have to understand my being shocked seeing my son with you. Growing up, Sokka used to flex his muscles in the mirror, telling me how he had to be strong to impress the girls. He was always a hopeless romantic, and I always assumed he would end up marrying a beautiful woman."

Zuko was not sure what to say. Hearing about how much Sokka was attracted to girls as a kid made him wonder if their love actually was real.

"Does my son make you happy?" Hakoda asked, catching Zuko off guard. He knew the answer of course but admitting his feelings to the chief of the southern water tribe who was also his boyfriend's father was easier said than done.

"I have never been happier in my entire life sir," Zuko finally said. Chief Hakoda placed his hand on his chin in contemplation.

"Last night, when I saw my son and you embracing each other I'll admit I was heartbroken," Hakoda said and Zuko felt his stomach churn, "but looking back I don't think I've ever seen Sokka as happy as he was there with you. It may take me some time to fully understand, but I see how happy you make him and all I want is for my son to be happy."

Zuko let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. His biggest fear was that Sokka's dad would be angry about their relationship, and he didn't want to drive a wedge between Sokka and his family.

"Your son means the world to me sir. You have my word I will do everything in my power to keep him safe and make him the happiest man in the world," Zuko said, the words rolling off his tongue more easily now that his heart stopped racing.

"I can see it in your eyes that you mean what you say," Hakoda smiled and stood up. "Welcome to our family Zuko."

Zuko's eyes lit up as his dad walked over and gave him the strongest hug he had ever had. He was not exactly one for hugs from many people, but knowing it meant Sokka's father did not hate him was enough to make him relax.

"Thank you, sir," Zuko said, the awkwardness once again finding its way into his voice.

"Please, call me Hakoda," the chief said and placed a firm grip on the firebender's shoulder. Zuko nodded and Hakoda led him to the door. "Tell Sokka I love him, and that he had better come visit often when you go back to the Fire Nation."

"I will!" Zuko said enthusiastically. Hakoda closed the door behind him, and Zuko practically ran all the way back to Sokka and Katara's house. They had the support of their friends, his uncle and Sokka's dad, and for the first time ever, he didn't care who else knew about their relationship.

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