CH 78. Incoming Rain

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"I guess it depends on how stubborn they are. Should they feel remorse and just not know how to approach the situation I guess that would make it slightly less terrible," I answered, putting the filter of what was left in the ashtray between us. "If you're going to hex me, please don't count to three. Just do it. If not I'm sure lily and the baby will be missing you soon, they won't appreciate you returning smelling like a chimney," I said, debating over hold long would be appropriate before I reached for another poison stick.

He let out a breathy chuckle, his breath, visible in the cold air. "See, maybe the second I found out I would have taken you up on that. But now... There's a numbness," He said, flicking off the ash from the end of his, similar to how he was chipping away at the distance between us.

"How's that?" I asked.

"I didn't know how much I wanted to be a father. Not until I saw those huge green eyes. I'm scared beyond measure, but when I saw those eyes, it was like I knew exactly what to do," He said as he leaned forward, resting the weight he carried on his knees.

"She's the spitting image of your wife mate," I said honestly.

"Mmm," He said, staring out, watching the street just as the lamp posts turned on. Illuminating the dim street, just as the light of another tumultuous day came to a close. "Lily told me, some time ago. I won't lie and say that part of me wasn't prepared for her to come into the world, looking slightly of you. But I'm glad she looks of Lily," he said, taking the last drag of his cigarette before crushing it into the tray.

I was slightly taken aback by the way he spoke with such ease. Believing every word he said. As if the entire situation wasn't worth batting an eyelash over. "So you... I mean... is she..."

"Don't... It'll only make me want to throw a Langlock your way," He said sternly. But I couldn't stop my mind from wandering. He let out a sigh, and let his head fall. "We had her tested for Lycanthropy, which came back negative. Last full moon, Sirius and I managed to pull one of the few hairs left on the top of your head, handed that over to a healer at the hospital that owed my mum a favor," He said. He turned to look at me, staring upon my face, which I'm sure had guilt and shame written all over it.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"I'm not. Not anymore. I'm a father. To a beautiful little girl, who now owns my whole heart," He said, allowing the happiness and pride he'd welcomed into his life become visible. "I'll tell you, there's not a single thing that could pull me away from her," He said and stood back up to his feet. "Don't know how she'll attend Hogwarts. Dumbledore will have to set us up with a cottage next door to Hagrid."

"Right, well, I should go," I said, not knowing what good could possibly come from my presence.

"No, you should go hold her," He said and gave my shoulder a firm pat before I rose to my feet as well. I grabbed the pack of Cigarettes and gave the lid a whack on my wrist, I could probably pull out another and lie, saying I'd be in right after. "I had to work through it on my own. But I came to the realization that Marauders are for life, and you're still my brother. Above all else, you're still my moony. And while you may not have been selected as a godparent, we'd still be very heartbroken if she missed out on knowing her uncle moony."

I looked down at my feet, feeling almost emotional by his words. I'd done the worst thing imaginable, one could do to a friend. Yet here he stood before me, still seeing me as a brother. I felt as though I didn't deserve this kind of friendship, then again, I was used to being cast aside. He pulled me into a hug, no longer allowing me to sulk in my own emotion and pool of self pity.

"Now, come inside before Sirius decides to kidnap my baby and keep her for his own, before the christening, will you?" He said and took a step up closer to the door.

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