Arabella Black / Amelia Barens

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Hi so this is just some facts about the character Arabella and Amelia there same person . Oh and this is about the cast not the books

Arabella / Amelia first year

Amelia /Arabella 2nd year ( pretend it's blonde )

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Amelia /Arabella 2nd year ( pretend it's blonde )

Amelia /Arabella 2nd year ( pretend it's blonde )

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Amelia / Arabella 3rd year

Amelia / Arabella 4th year

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Amelia / Arabella 4th year

Amelia / Arabella 5th year ( yess glow up time )

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Amelia / Arabella 5th year ( yess glow up time )

Amelia / Arabella 5th year ( yess glow up time )

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Amelia/ Arabella 6th year

Amelia / Arabella 7th year 1

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Amelia / Arabella 7th year 1

Amelia / Arabella 7th year 2

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Amelia / Arabella 7th year 2

Amelia / Arabella 7th year 2

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Post hogwarts / or not ;)

Little Summery of Arabella Black

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Little Summery of Arabella Black

Arabella is the popular girl at hogwarts but in the first part of the 1st movie she"ll be really mean to the golden trio but what hogwarts doesn't now is that she's just broken. Her mom " died " and her dad you now . She will soon find her best friends Claire Weasley and Danielle Abbot . She is ending up with Claire Weasley ( so many cute sceans in my head )

Little Summery of Amelia Barnes

Amelia Barnes is the younger twin of Austin Barnes . She and her brother Austin play the blacks in the Harry Potter movies . She gets shipped with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson  etc. she will be the most successful, famous person on the world and Harry Potter. She's gonna be in LOTS of movies . Her moms name is Amora Barnes ( played by Elle fanning ) and she has a younger baby sister Amanda ( played by baby Mia telereco )

Ok I'm down do you guys like the character so far and if it's ok please like

Arabella Black and Amelia Barnes ( various )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat