Another round

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Eddy somehow got Brett in the car and was determined to get home as fast as possible. The thought of bringing him straight to the hospital struck him, but he would never axcept that. He'd only be upset, which Eddy thought was probably not a good idea right now.

Brett was leaning his head to the window, and he was keeping his eyes shut all the way, leaving Eddy a little nervous.
He kept watching his soulmate all the way, allthough he had to keep his eyes on the road as well.

Eddy put his hand on Brett's right thigh, and stroked him regularly, sometimes squeezing his knee lightly as well.
He just had to feel him, his warmth, knowing his presence.
-You ok?
He just had to ask. He knew Brett wasn't really fine at all, but he still had to ask.
Brett wasn't even able to answer.

Finally back at home Eddy almost had to carry his boyfriend inside.
He waited patiently for him to remove his jacket and shoes, ready to help him to bed.

It all happened very fast, Brett suddenly felt pale and weak, as if all his blood just left him, before he got surrounded by that powerful, enormous darkness. He could hear Eddy calling for him a couple of times though, but he wasn't able to answer in any form.

Eddy made a quick reaction to what happened, he threw himself against his love and managed to catch him from falling straight down. He couldn't prevent him from actually falling though, but at least he made sure Brett's head wouldn't hit the hard floor.
For the second time in a way too short of time,  Eddy felt Brett's weight in his arms. Such a strange and painful feeling.
He tried to get him down as smoothly as possible, but he would have to remove  his hand eventually. The sound of Brett's head finally hitting the floor without any resistance, would haunt him for the rest of his life.

As soon as Brett's body was laid on the floor, he started shaking. Violently.
Eddy panicked.

Watching his loved one, the best and only thing he got on earth, convulsing like that, was so painful he felt paralyzed. Someone teared his heart right  out of him, and he could only see himself from the outside while he reached his phone and called the emergency.

Eddy couldn't control himself, he was shouting,  crying and speaking incoherently.
The lady on the other end had to ask him to calm down several times, making Eddy angry, like, HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN??
He felt she was spending way too much time repeating him, asking him to repeat himself... while he watched Brett suffering. GOOD LORD! JUST SEND THAT AMBULANCE ALREADY!!
Eddy was wailing from frustration and horror.
The lady asked him if Brett had any known epilepsy, diabetes....what and when he had something to drink, eat...
Eddy felt how his brain was all foggy, not capable of remembering any of that.

She asked him to try get Brett laid on his side as much as possible in case of any vomitting or foaming.
Eddy couldn't focus his eyes because of all his tears, but he tried the best he could, although it was hard, cramps  still running through all of Brett's way too tiny body.

Luckily the ambulance arrived in 5 minutes, Eddy found himself sitting with Brett's head in his lap, crying and howling. They didn't even get to close the door when Brett fainted, so he didn't have to open it for them.
Eddy was relieved, only to find them asking the same fucking questions!!
He got so frustrated he couldn't say anymore, only crying.

The paramedics worked fast, testing Brett's bloodsugar, going for his left hand,  only to find his fingertips calloused. By all means, they still did what they had to, but it got them curious, talking even more, and Eddy couldn't take it.
They asked if Brett played a stringinstrument.
-He's a violinist, Eddy tried to breath deeply not to lose his minds completely.
-Oh! That's so exciting! What an amazing instrument! My grandfather used to play too! , one of them replied, surely they tried to make Eddy stay on track, he guessed. He understood that, but hey!
-I don't fucking care! , he sobbed, before screaming: JUST FIX HIM!!

They found that Brett was very low on bloodsugar. They gave him a shot which made his body rest and stretch out, finally!
Eddy finally felt like he could breathe again, for the first time in way too long, but he could still feel his heartbeat pulsing in his head and his ears.

On top of it, Brett was dehydrated, they got him some water as well, another shot again, and Eddy's brain jokingly thought "thank God he's unconsious!" Eddy remembered how angry he got from the last time he had to call an ambulance on him. And he was TERRIFIED of needles!

Slowly Brett came back to his senses.
He seemed very confused and tired.  No wonder, how hard his body had just been working!

Eddy helped him to sit back up.

-How are you feeling?
-Am dizzy. Headache. Tired. Thirsty.  Eddy rushed to fix him a glass of water.
-Be careful, one of the paramedics warned. -You'll probably get nauseous from the meds we just gave you.
-Yea, I can feel that! Brett moaned.
-Ok, let's get you in bed, yeah?

They left and while Brett threw up Eddy once again got that shitty job of calling the hospital to make an appointment and ask the doctor what to do now.
It really didn't look good!
Eddy had actually had a feeling for quite a while that this year wouldn't necessarily bring good news or happiness.
He felt scared.

In  sickness and in healthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum