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Wait I forgot Avery already called Soph sharky a couple chapters ago lmaooo

Soph POV:

I woke up holding Avery. I think that was the best sleep I've ever had. I decided I was going to make breakfast but I have no idea where anything is in her apartment. I got up and checked her fridge, I saw a few eggs and some bacon. I found bread and toasted it, I cooked the eggs and bacon then set it neatly on a plate. I walked over to Avery and shook her but she wouldn't wake up so I lifted her up off the bed and dropped her back on it. "Ow! You could have just- wait I smell food. Did you make food?" She asked "yes now eat it" I answered. She got up and when to the kitchen, we grabbed our plates and sat on the bed. "So.. last night.." she said before she was interrupted by 2 tall girls coming through the door. "AVERY!" The taller one shouted "oh hello are you her girlfriend?" The other one said "no.." I replied "OHH CAN I HAVE HER" the tall one said again. "NO SHES MINE" Avery said. "Can you stop shouting please" I said "oh sorry I'm Ag by the way and this is mia" the taller girl said. "Hey" Mia said. "My name is Soph" I said. "Soph these are my best friends" Avery exclaimed. "Did you make food? If so can I have some, I haven't eaten yet." Mia asked. "Sure you just have to get it" I told her. She got up and grabbed a plate then her and ag came and sat on Avery's bed. "soo Avery has a girlfriend?" Ag asked "not exactly. I just sleep in her bed and we occasionally kiss." "Ooooohhhh so how did this happen?" Mia asked. "She's the drunk crying girl" Avery told them. "Oh I'm sorry are you ok?" Ag asked "I'm better when I'm with Avery" I said suddenly the room filled with awwwwwwwwww's. "Ok so today we are going skating and no you don't have a choice." Ag told us "hold on calm down Ag we don't even know if Soph can skate.. can you skate?" Mia asked "actually your lucky Avery taught me last night." I told them. "Alright imma eat the food that one of you fools made then we are leaving. SO GET UP NOW YOU LAZY BITCH!" Ag shouted "she's loud" I whispered to Avery "sure is" she whispered back. We got up and started getting ready. "Imma just use your clothes Avery" I told her "is that a question or" she asked "no" I replied. Once the others had eaten we headed to mias car. Mia and Ag sat in the front and Avery and I sat in the back. Her hand was on my thigh and my hand was in hers. We smiled to each other and Ag let me have aux so they could find out my music taste. My music taste is pretty much just the same as Avery's. Soon we arrived at a different skate park then last nights. It was near a beach and had lots of little shops around. First Avery took me to a skate shop so I didn't have to use hers anymore. I bought one that had a shark print on it. After a couple hours of skating and then trying to teach me tricks Mia got a text from her friend Lyric (lyric is in Florida for this story idc. And I'm making her mias love interest even though they broke up but I respect them and lyrics gf lolsies🦆) we had been invited to a party.

Avery pov:

Tonight we are going to a party at the beach. Luckily we are right next to it so we just hang out at the shops for a couple hours. Me and Soph got matching sharkclip watches, mine was green and pink and hers was blue and white. Then we went to get ice creams and Mia and Soph had a little fight about which is better, chocolate or vanilla. I personally prefer chocolate like Soph but Mia likes vanilla. "HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE VANILLA!" Mia shouted "I NEVER SAID THAT I SAID I PREFER CHOCOLATE" Soph screamed back. We all just bursted laughing. We dipped our toes in the water and watched as people arrived at the party. Shit there's tons of people. We were all laughing and joking together until I saw her. MY OTHER FUCKING EX! How many ex's can I run into in 2 fucking days! Ag saw her too it was Liv. We never officially dated but we didn't end well. (Bro I love Liv but she gonna be bad lol)
"Shit should we leave?" Ag asked me "no we just avoid her she's not gonna ruin this party" I said "what?" Soph asked "omg is it fucking Liv? I hate her" Mia said "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING!" "Oh shit I forgot your new here it's like I've known you for ages, my "ex" is here her name is Liv or she has long brown hair and she's kinda a bitch" I told her "oh I'm sorry we can leave if you want?" She offered "no that bitch ain't ruining this for me She ruins everything" I said "Oohh kayy then" she replied. We spent most of the night dancing and me and Soph even kissed a couple times. Then a bunch of people decided to play spin the bottle, we joined them. It was a big crowd so I didn't even really bother looking at who was playing. Soon I came to sophs turn she spun it, it felt like it was spinning for years. If it doesn't land on me I'm going to be jealous. I slowly came to a holt I looked down at the bottle then to whoever it landed on. FUCK!

Soph POV:

We were playing spin the bottle and I really wanted it to land on Avery but it didn't, it landed on a very pretty girl. I didn't want to kiss anyone other then Avery but it's ok because it's spin the bottle. We got up and stood in the middle of the surprisingly bid circle and kissed. Ngl she was a pretty good kisser. It was over soon and I looked over to Avery. I could tell she was jealous. "Bub its a game I would never choose to kiss anyone here other then you" I told her. "I know and it's not that you kissed a girl in front of me it's just that the girl is Liv" she told me. "Wait- Like like Olivia your ex?" I asked "exactly right" she told me. But now it's Avery's turn she spun the bottle and it spun and spun and spun until it stopped. YES! It landed on me! I lifted up her face and kissed her passionately soon the kiss became a make out and the rest of the circle continues playing. We decided to stop playing before we would have to kiss more people. Apart from the whole Liv thing tonight wasn't half bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it. We walked over to Ags car and found her and Mia asleep cuddling in the back. We drove back to Avery's apartment and slowly carried them back in (which was hard considering At is 5.11 and Mia is 5.8. We put them on the sofa then went to Avery's bed I checked the time it's 2.56. She held out her arms for me so I climbed in and fell asleep.

Omg its a long chapter hope you like it. Idk about smut lemme know if I should do it or not pls💪👁👅👁✌️

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