The forgotten Roses

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~The Forgotten Flowers~

Once there was a mute man who was a florist, his name was Xie He. He owned his own flower shop, and lived alone in the flat located right above it, his father lived in a small house in the countryside and worked as a teacher in a primary school there. He was loved by his neighbours because of his beautiful and sweet smelling flowers and his even sweeter smile.

When he was in high school he was disowned by his father that he had looked upto and admired since birth. He thought his father had loved him, even if just a little bit but when his father got to know that he was not even his child, he was abandoned and thrown out of the house...

But he was very lucky, when he was all alone with no home to go back to, a few of his father, Deng LingWen's enemies tried to kidnap him, in order to take revenge as they knew that they could never harm Deng LingWen.

When Xie He was running from him pursuers, as it was the evening almost all shops were closed so there was no one to help him, he bumped into a man who held him before they both fell down. That man's name was Xie yu, and he helped Xie He run away from his pursuers and helped hide him in his coffee shop.

Xie yu, who was a university student and also a manager of this very coffee shop, after hearing Xie He's story would later, offer Xie He a job at this coffee shop and a place to stay. Xie He would agree and years later, Xie Yu will think of Xie He as his own child and even persuade Xie He to call him father...

~Linebreak brought to you by system!~

There was another man, who was blind, he worked as a piano teacher at music school, near the area where the Xie He's flower boutique was located. He enjoyed playing the piano and even though he was blind, the music that he composed was beautiful and was loved by all his students and collegues. This blind man's name was Ning Qi.

Ning Qi, was the second son of the prestigious Ning family. His family was extremely rich and owned their own company which dealt with cosmetics and various other things. Ning Qi had an older brother who would be inheriting his father's company so there was no pressure on him as the second son. Sure, there were a lot of people who made fun of him in the high circle for he was born blind and mockingly pitied him, but Ning Qi didn't care at all because he knew his family loved him.


The blind man and the mute man knew each other as they used to be classmates in high school and were very good friends then. But then suddenly Xie He dropped out of high school, and suddenly rumours started spreading all over the school that Xie He's father Deng JingWen had found out that Xie He was not his own son and had cut all ties with him...

Xie He and Ning Qi were very good friends , so Ning Qi tried his best to look for him after Xie He's disappearance,  but to no luck. Although not known by the mute man, the blind man had fallen in love with him and wanted to ask him out, but never did in fear of their friendship breaking apart...

But now the blind man regretted not saying it sooner and he was desperate to find him...

And one day...while coming out of his school with his friends Ning Qi saw a small figure by school gates. That person was wearing a white face mask that was too big for his small face, even his hairstyle and the expensive gaudy clothing he used to wear was exchanged for a plain white shirt and black pants.

But Ning Qi could recognize that person anywhere, he at once left his friends behind and ran up to that figure. When that figure noticed him, he took a step back then turned around and ran. But Ning Qi would never let him go that easily, and he finally caught him. That man was Xie He, who was currently working in a coffee shop near his old school....on his way he saw the school and had stopped to reminisce about old times...when Xie He was a student and he had thought there was no need to study so hard, so he would be playing around most of the time....and now he regretted it....

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