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Riley frowned as she looked down at the test "are you okay" Sierra asked as Riley looked to her sister and sighed

"it's positive. What am I going to do. I mean Sami and I aren't ready for a bang. I can't be a mum" Riley said as Sierra looked to her sister and smiled. Sierra could see how scared that Riley was

"it's okay. I know that your scared but I also know you and I know that you and Sami haven't been together long but I know that you will be great parents and I know that you will be a great mum. I know we didn't have the nest mum but that is okay" Sierra said as Riley sighed.

She looked to the positive test and sighed as she placed a hand on her stomach.

Riley was scared and she didn't know how she felt over being pregnant and she didn't know if she wanted to be a mum, she didn't know if she could do it but Riley knew that she needed to talk to Sami and that they had to decide on what to do.

She didn't know how he felt over it but Riley knew it was a mess and that whatever they decided that it was going to change everything

Riley smiled as she answered the door and looked to see Sami. He walked in and smiled as he hugged her

"are you okay?" He asked as she sighed

"I'm pregnant Sami and we need to talk. What are we going to do" She said as she walked into the kitchen as she leant against the wall and sighed as he walked over to her and smiled as He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know it's hard and I know that you are scared but I think we can do this. I mean I am going to be a dad" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"okay. We are actually doing this. We're having a baby" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Riley knew it was all a mess and how scared that she was and she didn't know what to think or do but she did want to have a family with Sami and a future and Riley knew it was going to be far from easy and hoped that somehow that they could make it work.

Riley looked to sami and smiled as she took a hold of his hand and placed it on her stomach and smiled

"I'm going to look after you both of you, I promise" Sami said

Riley sat in the flat and smiled as she looked to Sierra as she walked in looking shocked

"what is it?" Riley asked as she looked to Sierra and frowned. Riley wasn't stupid and she knew that there was something going on with her sister. Sierra looked to her and wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled

"there is something that you should know. The found dads body. He was buried in the city wall" Sierra said as Riley looked to her and frowned feeling as if she was going to throw up and wanting who did this to pay

Passion with you *Hollyoaks*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ