[Chapter 1|N.Sanity Life.]

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        South and North Sanity Islands were never shown in any world map, and yet, there were people who believed in their existence. Of course that kind of people weren't so trustful, they believed in many things that can be a good reason to call them crazy. And still, you were the one who wanted to believe.

 As a young [Y\S] you always dreamed about Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, you imagined how you find these places, covered in the mist of mystery. And now you realize how mainstream these places are.

Now you're here. Hiding your eyes from the sun.

On the North Sanity Island.

You had a huge doubts about this place. Like, who knew about some hidden islands near Australia? Four people? Or even three, if count alive ones?

And still, here you are. Breathing in hot air and looking at exotic ferns and palms. You fixed your canvas bag on your spine and looked at yourself in brass knuckles with huge iron claws that mirrored you perfectly. Your [E\C] eyes, full of determination, excitement and...a bit of fright.

- It's time to update the world map.

The Island looked like uninhabited for the first look. You made your way through the forest, full of exotic plants, and still no sight of civilization, no even single house. What if it was pointless? What if you can't go back now and you stucked here all alone?

And then, your thoughts were interrupted by glimmering coming from above. You gazed at the cap of some building, showing through the leaves and branches on the top of trees. You broke many bushes and trees, even saw some turtles and armadillos on your way, but you didn't pay attention. You cut the first brunch with two of your iron claws, and then the other, and another, and...

Here you are. The stairs under your feet were from the same shining material like the Temple itself. There were cracks and missing blocks there and here, wizened vines made an illusion that building were covered in patterns...And still, it looked untouched, like it never were robbed.

Your [H\C] hair were fluttering by the wind. And where did it come from?...

The temple were shrouded in fog of mystery. You didn't even notice how you started to dig your way in, you realized what have you done when you were inside already. You shake dust from your clothes off and looked around, and finally, you got some pleasant chill on your skin. Sunshine barely comes from the cracks above, but still it weren't enough to light this place up. You made your first steps and pace through the corridors, looking at bizarre paintings on the walls. They reminded you Egyptian patterns, that kept a history in themselves.

And now you see that it's the same. You saw different scenes from hall to hall. It begins with two men in masks, and then they were divided from eachother, the thin one nurture fields, and the other attacked a tribe with his warriors. And then...


Instincts saved your life and you managed to duck just in time. You turned around just to see an arrow stucked in the wall with a small strand of [H\C] hair.

You gulped and run forward, hearing whistling of arrows behind you and you were smiling like an idiot. The temple were full of traps, waiting for you around the corner, and you felt yourself just like Indiana Jones for a moment!

And just onward a huge stone door begun to close. You hold your imaginary hat and slide under thick block, and then you heard rumble. Silence.

Darkness scattered and you saw torches on the walls. This room was so huge and empty! There was a coffin in the middle of it and some kind of altar. [Y\S] looked around and saw familiar paintings. Unfortunately traps didn't allow you to watch these patterns while you were running for your life, so you have lost the plot. But...These were so much different from what you saw before.

Masks. Masks everywhere, the same two masks all around you. Looking at you, judging you for coming here, watching every step of yours. The good one, the bad one, the good one, the bad...

But altar attracted your attention. You stepped carefully, looking around for some spikes or arrows to appear, but...Nothing happened. You approached the altar and saw something you newer saw before. A huge red gem shimmered in the light of flames, showing all it faceted sides, and fancy looking relic near to it. It looked like Egyptian Ankh a lot, with the crystal in the middle.

It doesn't belong to you.

And still, it would be taken for the history, right?

And still it is a robbery.

RUMBLE. You jumped and looked around. All of a sudden huge blocks begun to fall from the sky and ceiling started to crash. [Y\S] were panically running from the side to side and just drill her way out like she was a mole.

A bright light hitted in your [E\C] eyes when you finally popped out of earth. Hot air burns your lungs, and you slowly turned around to look at the temple. Or more like, what left of the temple. A huge peace of metallic...Something, that looked like a part of machine, destroyed the building, turning them in ruins.

You showed your shaking hand in the bag and touched your loot. Good, great. You saved it.

But did it happened because of you?

Something beamed away from the ruins. You rubbed your eyes with arms - did you just saw things?

Your vision instantly became blurry, you still felt your blood running in the veins rapidly. Everything that you could hear is your heart pounding madly. And then you heard faint voice, seems like girl's one. Someone runs to you, but you couldn't see their face, you just saw colors. Orange, yellow, somewhat gray or white, or all together...You can't see properly.

- Hey, hey! Are you okay?! - stranger stopped before you.

You looked up and watched the silhouette fading in your eyes, looks like they were around your height. They were the one who you heard before. She bent down to you.

- Oh my God you're bleeding! Can you stand up? - she sounds nervous, - Hey?

It seems like another orange silhouette approached you, but you couldn't hear their voice anymore. Everything went black.

[A\N] Thank you for reading the first chapter! To clear some things, reader has brass knuckles that help her to dig. They look like the ones that Knuckles the Echidna has in Sonic Adventure.

 They look like the ones that Knuckles the Echidna has in Sonic Adventure

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