"There's one more thing that I want to request from you."

"What is it? Anything."

"I wouldn't say 'anything' until you know what I'm going to ask..."

Leia rose her eyebrows.

"I would like you to release Armitage Hux to me."

To Ben's slight confusion, she didn't look exactly surprised. "Why?"

"Well, first of all, what are you going to do with him?"

"That's undecided."

"Him and I have been talking, and he's fully resigned himself to the fact that he can't go back to the First Order."

"Has he officially deserted? There's a difference between shooting a stormtrooper and fearing being persecuted for high treason and actually deciding to leave of your own volition because you do not agree with the party any longer."

"From my understanding, he wishes to desert."

"Is he interested in joining the Resistance?"

Ben looked off to the side. "I don't think so. I think he'd want to... Come with me."

Leia walked away. She had turned from him to conceal a small smile. When she spoke, it was neutral. "And may I ask, exactly, what your plan is?"

"I plan on going throughout the galaxy and helping wherever I can. My name isn't known throughout--Kylo Ren is, but most people believe Ben Solo is dead. If the Resistance doesn't blather that they're one in the same, I should be able to help galaxies reconstruct and heal from the damage this war has brought to them."

He took a step toward her. "I also plan to hunt down First Order sympathizers and either eliminate them or bring them to justice."

Leia crossed her arms. "That is... Pretty lofty ambitions you have, Ben."

He grinned. "I learned from the best?"

"And what, may I ask, makes you think that General Hux would have any interest in helping out with this?"

A lump formed in Ben's throat. Nervously he clasped his hands in front of himself.

"Because... I've talked to him about this. Often. Also... I know about the transmission we intercepted. I know the First Order is looking for him."

"I'm not even going to ask how you know that..."

"I eavesdropped. I'm sorry. But truthfully I think it'd be best if he came with me anyway so they don't come looking for him here."

"You and him seem to talk a lot." Leia knew how to get him to admit to what she wanted him to. "How can I trust that you and him won't just run back to the First Order?"

"Do you really have such little faith in me!?"

Leia wiped the smile off her face and turned around. "No--I trust you, I don't trust him. Give me a reason to trust him and I will."

For a moment Ben ground his teeth. "Because we are in a relationship, and have been for awhile, and I trust him explicitly, and if I trust him I think you should too."

Leia rose her eyebrows. Ben furrowed his brow.

"You're... Not surprised."

"What? Yes I am."

He took a step forward, clenching his hand. "No, you're not. Who told you?"

Leia looked off to the side.

Ben growled and rolled his eyes. "Well, I know it was one of two people. I guess it doesn't really matter if it was Poe or Rey." He sighed and glared. "How long have you known?"

"About a month."

Now her son was the one who was surprised. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Ben. It wasn't my place to. I knew that you would tell me eventually. I wasn't going to press the issue before then."

"Oh." He paused, a small blush creeping onto his face. "So... Does that mean you'll release him to me?"

Leia walked in front of Ben, putting a hand on his cheek. "Yes. If you trust him, I do. Just please don't make me regret this."

Ben took her hands in his own and smiled down at her. "Thank you."

"So, are you happy with him?"

Ben turned bright red. "Mother--"

"It's important to me. I don't care who you're with so long as you are happy."

Looking embarrassed, he nodded. Leia smiled. "Then I wish you both the best. May the Force be with you, my son."


"Are you sure that I can't come with?"

Ben, Armitage, and Rey stood in front of a ship. Ben smiled down at Rey, taking her by both shoulders.

"Where Armitage and I are going is dangerous."

Rey glared up at him. "I can handle myself."

"Precisely. Which is why I need you to look after my mother and the Resistance."

"Don't worry Rey," Armitage said gently, "I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

Rey ducked her head and began to cry. Ben immediately hugged her tightly.


"You're the closest thing I have to a family. I'm going to miss you so, so much."

"I'm going to miss you too. Terribly so. But I promise to keep in contact with you, both through the Force when I am able and with official information I'll send to the Resistance."

Rey lifted up her tear streaked face. She tried to look tough through her tears. "You had better, Ben Solo."

"Rey..." Ben looked directly into her eyes. "I never properly thanked you."

"For what?"

"You saved me. I'll forever be indebted to you."

"Not in debt." Rey smiled. "Just promise we'll both see this war through and be able to grow old together."

Ben smiled. "Promise."

Ben and Armitage walked up the ship's ramp. When they reached the top, Ben turned around and grinned. "Oh, and Rey?"

She nodded.

"You might want to talk to Finn. A lot. Spend some time with him. It'll do you both good."

Ben smiled and pushed the button to close the door.

The End

Strength (Book Two of the Into The Fray series)Where stories live. Discover now