November 21st - Part 3

Comenzar desde el principio

And then there's that part. One degree of separation and it just has to be that he is friends with Dr. O. Erik is obviously entertaining her for professional reasons, and not because he could be interested in her romantically.

"Get it together Dee. He is taken." And yet, somewhere deep inside she kind of hoped that he wasn't. That maybe he could see her for more than just his friend's student.

DeeDee looked back at Erik's email, quickly wrote her reply and closed the laptop. She popped the cork on the new bottle and started drinking directly from it. With wine in hand, she got up and started swaying to the soothing sounds of Alex Isley and Masego's 'Good and Plenty.'


It had only been 15 minutes, but to Erik it felt like forever and he worried that maybe she did have other plans. He ran upstairs to change into some work out clothes and came down when his email chimed. He ran over to read it immediately.


Mister Erik,

I am sitting on my couch, enjoying pizza and wine. Although, my bottle is gone.

Other than that, I have no plans for the night.

I let my best friends drag me out last night, so indoors it is for me.

What about you? Any plans for the evening, like with someone special?

It's pretty early over there; like 7 in Cali, right?

Anyways, I should probably let you enjoy the evening. Don't be a stranger.

Miss DeeDee

"Wait! What?" Erik rapidly typed his response and sent it to her. He dropped down onto his couch. "I really lost my touch and can't even talk to a woman anymore."

He only asked because he didn't want to assume she was gonna be available to chat via email all night. Erik knew he would do it, too. He was fascinated with her. He wanted to hear whatever she was willing to share with him. And yes, that meant even if he eventually had to answer the question.

Erik went to the kitchen and got two bottles of water. From the living room, grabbed the tablet and headed to his downstairs gym. If DeeDee stopped responding at least he could work off whatever feelings arose. He set everything down besides the punching bag.


DeeDee had danced and drank all around her living room. But once she started to spin, the dance party came to an abrupt halt. The wine finally caught up with her and she plopped down on the couch. She slowly leaned over to set the quarter full bottle down on the table and opened the laptop.

She had a new email. She squinted at the screen. From Erik.

Her chest started pounding, so she took a few deep breaths and opened it.


Miss DeeDee,

It is a rare night in for me. I usually work on Saturdays, but I have had the whole day to myself.

I played ball with some kids from the neighborhood this morning. And I cooked earlier this afternoon and was planning to watch a movie before turning in.

However, I have been having a wonderful conversation and don't really want it to end.

Would you care to join me on a video call?


"WHAT?" DeeDee threw her laptop down on the couch. She stood up and paced the floor, slowly. "He's gotta be kidding. Right?" She looked at the message on the screen again.

She sat back down and sent the first thing that came to mind. Was this actually happening? What is going on? Her thoughts were circling around in her head and all through a wine-induced fog. Just her luck.

"He --" DeeDee giggled, "Oh my god." She dropped her face into her hands.


Cool, calm and collected, he was not. Erik's stomach was in knots while he waited for DeeDee's response, if any. He hit the punching bag a few times in jest before the nervous energy kept him going. He stayed there for 15 minutes before moving to the free weights in the corner.

As Erik laid back on the bench to start lifting the barbell, he heard the email alert. He slowly sat up. His heart couldn't race any faster since he had been working out anyway. But it felt like it was gonna just fly out of his chest. He wrung his hands while he sat on the bench.

He stood up and made his way over to the punching bag where everything was. Erik grabbed a nearby towel and wiped himself off before he picked up the tablet.

"Now or never." He unlocked it and opened DeeDee's email.


Uh Mister Erik,

I am enjoying our conversation as well. But I am not camera ready. And I am definitely not changing to get ready either.

Let's do it some other time.


Erik released the biggest breath. He didn't realize that he was holding it as he read her answer. Then he started to chuckle. And that small chuckle grew into a big full body laugh. It even echoed off the walls, but he could not help it. He was relieved by what he read, and knew exactly how to respond to it.

He grabbed all his stuff and left the gym. He went upstairs to his bedroom. Erik sent the email and dropped his tablet on the bed.


Now DeeDee,

Did I say anything about being all dressed up for this call? Doesn't matter if you are in a hoodie and some sweats.

I just wanted to have the face-to-face interactions while we chat because I can imagine you pouting about a silly question. And I am sure you want to see my reactions to you calling me Mister after I told you not to.

No pressure, though. You have my email, so use it to connect to me if you want. I'll be around, you know, since it's early over here.


All I Want for Christmas is a Ph.D.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora