P h o n e C a l l # 2

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"Hello ?"

"Hey Auburn."

"Damien, are you..you know, okay ?"

"Honestly, I don't think so, no."

"Oh my God. What happened ?"

"Well, mom and dad..they decided to get divorced. It's tomorrow. It's official. I'm gonna live with my dad, he got the custody..they've trying to hold it together for me all along, but I guess, it's too much now."

"I am so so so sorry.."

"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry.."

"It's not your fault either..don't blame yourself..it was bound to happen..I mean, we all saw it coming. But atleast, they're at a peace with each other."

"Yes. I guess.."

"How's Stacy handling it ?"

"Well, she's haven't spent so much time with mom and dad, as they got busier after she came, but I guess she's handling it better than me. She's rather cool about. She thinks that if it's what they want, we should totally support them. She's gonna be living with mom, by the way."

"Well, she is right you know. You gotta support them. You're still going to meet them, probably at weekend dinners and Christmas, Thanksgiving, oh and-"

"I get it, Auby."

"Auby ?"

"Well, it's cute, and suits you.."

"Thanks. So your nickname would Dami, right ?"

"Right...yeah, never call me that."


"I walked myself into a trap, didn't I ?"


"Well, you know you should laugh more..you have a nice laugh."

"Thank you. And well, your nickname's better than Little-Miss-I-vomitted-and-peed-on-Santa-cause-I-was-scared.."

"Yep. That was hillarious. "

"Totally. And you know something ?"

"What ?"

"You should laugh more too. You have a nice laugh too, I'll give you that, but mainly because laughing helps to ease your stress and makes your heart lighter."

"You're right. I'm no longer sad."

"Of course."

"Thank you."

"Oh shush peasant. It was my pleasure. Now, whenever you need me, I'm only one call away, and I'll be here to save the day.."

"Of course, my dear Charlie Puth fangirl."


*grins like an idiot*

"Well, now that you're happy and all, I promised I'll go dress shopping with Emma for the prom..so, I gotta go. She's here."


"Great. Bye."


So, this made me smile..and well, the realisation is not that far away, and I'll give you guys that..sorry the cliffhanger in the last chap..😅😅

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