A f t e r M e s s i n g U p

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Hey Hotline Girl..
Or should I say..
Auburn Adams.. ;) ;)

Shut up you insufferable jerk !!

Hey ! What's up with you ?

Why the hell- oh God..

You're just angry at me 'cause I found who you were, aren't you ?

You bet I am !

Well, idc..it's kind of my victory you know..

How so ?

I mean, I found out the girl who had been anonymous for almost like forever..so.. ;)

Well, it's not that you're happy with the results or anything..

Are you kidding me ?!
You're the best person who could ever be the sassy Hotline Girl I know and love..


I mean..

Yeah..I know..uh..what you mean..

Right. So, why do you hide your identity anyway ?

Well, it's better that way, isn't it ?
I mean, you just don't have to come in front of everyone..it's easier to give advice while staying anonymous than saying out loud..

It's not very convincing..you know..

I know, I just..I don't exactly have an answer to that, and even if I do, it's not worth telling..so, no more questions on that subject..okay ?

Whatever you say. I'm not gonna push you in your personal matters..everyone has their own problems to handle..

Oh btw, how's your parents..?

Well..it's complicated..their..I don't know, trying to adjust..? But I tell you, it's not working..

Well, I'm not very good in giving family advice, but all I can tell you, that if they're gonna separate, and it's their final decision, there's nothing you can do about it.


Just remember, that you have to accept the reality..and it makes them happy, that's what you wanted right ?
They're gonna remain friends and you're gonna get their love, maybe not together, but they're gonna be there for you..
They're still gonna be there, maybe not living in the same house, but they're gonna be there..

Auburn ?

Yes ?

Thank you. Thank you for..being there..thank you, really..

Of course. Damien ?

Yes ?

Just remember, I'm gonna be there..no matter what..

Thank you so much..

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