Chapter 62

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"I wonder what Ethan's coffee shop meeting with Jade was about," I mused as we walked back to our office.

"Maybe he was seeing Jade," Alex said.

"I suppose we'll just have to ask. But when we do face him, I'd like it to be with an arrest warrant. You can file for one on the tram."

"On the tram?" Alex raised an eyebrow. "Where are we going now, then?"

"I'd like a word with William Sharpe."

We rode a tram to the Sharpes' flat for the third time in as many days. When William admitted us, he was waiting in the hallway and slowly turning puce.

"Inspector," he said, "I am sick of seeing your face. Are you going to accuse me of murdering the Beaumont girl this time?"

I took a deep, calming breath. "You've heard, then?"

"It's all over Xplora. Which one is it now?"

"Jade," Alex said coldly.

William shrugged. "They're both the same to me: nothing. I don't have anything to do with them and I never have done. So I want you to clear off."

"Tell us where you were between midnight and two this morning," I said.

He heaved a sigh, tipping his head back. "Out for a walk."

"Can anyone confirm that?"

"No." He looked back at us with hard eyes. "Now you are going to accuse me."

"I don't accuse anyone until I have the evidence." I stepped forward. "But you were openly hostile towards Iberia Mills, and I've been told that you're aware of Jade Beaumont's role as the matchmaker between Iberia and your son. So, were you aware that Ethan was having an affair with Ruby Beaumont?"

His nostrils flared, and he closed his hands into fists. "You really think even Ethan was that foolish? Get the bloody hell out, and don't come back!"

Turning away, he strode down the corridor.

"Mr Sharpe --"

Brittany appeared in the doorway to his study. "William? What --"

"Move." He shoved her aside so that he could get through, then manhandled her out the door and slammed it.

The three of us stared at each other.

Brittany's eyes were red and swollen, and her face was bare of make-up. She rubbed the heel of her palm against her chest. "I suppose you'd like to know where I was this morning."

"Yes," I lied. There was no reason for her to know that she'd been under surveillance.

"I was here, sleeping. Or, at least, trying to." Her voice thickened. "Iberia was my only true love. Now that she's gone, the world is all wrong."

Brittany hadn't been the one about to marry Iberia, and she hadn't really been her friend, yet I felt sympathy for her that I hadn't felt for anyone else. There was true love seeping out of her every pore: something simple in its genuineness that no one, not even Ethan, had really expressed.

"I'm sorry to have to ask this," I said softly, "but were you aware of Jade Beaumont's role in Ethan and Iberia's relationship?"

Pain creased her face, and she suddenly looked very old. "Yes. Jade played Cupid with my boy at school. While I was trying to fix things with Iberia, she meddled again and set their marriage into motion. I hated her guts for it." Brittany's eyes filled. "I hated her guts. But I didn't kill her."

I looked at Alex. The motive fitted...

"I know there's no way to prove it, but I swear I was here!" Tears splashed down Brittany's cheeks. "I didn't kill any of them!"

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