Chapter 47

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When we left the block on Flicker Street, we emerged in hot air and dazzling sunshine and walked to the nearest tram stop.

"We need to go back to the university and talk to Jude," I said. "He has a motive for Lonn's murder -- and he could have killed Frankie, too. Maybe they both planned for revenge but fell out afterwards. Maybe it was just Jude's idea, and then she realised it was him and called him out on it. Or maybe he was just feeling possessive."

"That's a lot of maybes," Alex said. "What about Janet? If Frankie's errand was to confront someone, it could have been her. And she is living right next to the crime scene."

"It's possible," I conceded. "But let's deal with Jude first. How are you feeling now?"

"A little better," he said, although he looked just the same.

"Do you think you'll be up to that meal later? Maybe you should just rest."

He smiled, one side of his lips rising a fraction higher than the other. "For a moment, I thought you were concerned about me."

"I am!"

"You're looking for an excuse not to meet my parents."

"Maybe." I picked at a loose thread on my jeans. "I'm nervous."

"I know you are. That's good."

"It doesn't feel good." I looked up and raised my eyebrows.

"It means you care. They'll sense that, and they'll like you."

We entered Socrico University's campus, and a gaggle of students in miniskirts passed between us. I dropped the subject.

We went to Reception again and requested Jude Bray's timetable. A quick glance over it told us that he'd been released from his morning lecture, so he could have been anywhere. But he was due in a practical soon. We'd catch him then.

"While we're waiting," I said, "we should find Nora Fitzroy again. If Janet's to be believed, she knew Frankie better than the Temples. She might be able to tell us something useful. And, anyway, I'd like to check on her after she overheard the bad news."

We found the research building and took the stairs to Lab S. The door was still propped open, so I poked my head inside. Everyone was working, goggles clipped over their eyes.

I frowned and looked them over again. No. Everyone but Nora was working.

Riannon Sotello glanced up. Her lip curled. "If you're looking for the boss, she's slacking off in the cafeteria. She went down there for a glass of water when you left, and she still hasn't come back."

Everyone froze at their workstations. The tension in the air was so thick that even a train would have struggled to pass through it.

"Have you checked on her?" I asked.

"Why would I do that?" Riannon's eyes flashed. "I worked my arse off for Lonn, doing twice as much as her, but she gets his fucking job in the end. She can't even handle it! I'm running this lab. I'm doing all the extra work without the extra pay, while she sits down there and has, like, a fucking drink. I'm not playing nurse, too!"

"I think it would serve you well to remember that Nora has just recovered from breast cancer," I snapped, "and that she's lost two friends in the past week. She needs your support, not your criticism."

Riannon folded her arms. "Why do you care?"

"I care because I don't like your attitude. It's uncalled for. In any case, I've decided that I'd also like to speak to you."

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