Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last

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I felt like I had been in the car for an eternity. I don't know whose idea it was to drive from South Carolina all the way to Atlantic City, but I think they got the idea that this was a bad on at about four am. The thing I hated most of all is that I wasn't the one driving. Here I am the best freaking driver in the world and I'm sitting in the back seat. The good part is that Brey was sitting there with me, but most of the time she was asleep. I always thought she was pretty and it looks like while I was away she got a lot hotter. Now I had to focus on not staring at her, and I have to tell myself that she will kill me if she caught me starring at her like this. Then I started think about what would happen if we did go out and whether she would really kill me. Then I realized she was laying on my shoulder and I don't know what possessed me to do this but I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and laid my head against hers. It felt nice and I ended up falling asleep, but I woke up when she pushed me up against the window.

It was around seven pm when we finally arrived and finished checking into our hotel. I got bored in my room and I guess Brey was too since she invited me to the bar with her. When I got to the hotels bar I was her sitting in the corner drinking what looked like whiskey or something. I walked over to her, sat in the chair across from her, and looked at the glass she had poured for me. "So, what are we drinking to" I asked. "The life and unexpected demise of Justin Anderson, who would have thought any of us would get to die in our sleep" she replied. "What, are you practicing your eulogy" I said sarcastically. She smiled "so how fucked up are you feeling" she asked taking a sip of her drinking. "Very" I said gulping back my entire glass, and whatever she had picked to drink was stronger than I expected. "Sorry I forgot you weren't a whiskey person" she said finishing her glass. She smiled at me when I poured the both of us another glass and then I asked her why she didn't seem so broken up. "I don't cry when someone gets to go to heaven" she replied. I didn't think she was religious in any way, but I guess her believing in an afterlife or God isn't too weird since I do. Now that I think about it most killers believe in heaven and hell or something similar.

I tossed backed a few more drinks trying to stop thinking about how my best friend and I will never get out and get completely drunk again, how I won't get to have him be my wingman to pick up extremely intoxicated girls, and how I will never beat him in mortal combat again. Then I thought about how much I wanted to kill Rebecca for killing my best friend and those two girls. I was finally able to turn off the fillings of hatred and depression when I thought about how of all people who knew Justin Brey knew that I would need revenge and strong liquor. After an hour or so I went to my room, and went straight to sleep think about Brey. Then I realized that was the second time I fell asleep thinking about her and that she had broken the record of how many times I had thought about being with a girl.

The next morning nick called me at nine am which would've been fine if I didn't have a small hangover. We ended up going to a penthouse suite in another hotel where the three of us were patted down upon arrival. After Brey and Nick handed over all of their guns and knives they both talked to this woman for a while. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes, chocolate skin, and a warm smile. "You can come over here Daniel I don't bite" she said. I walked over and sat down next to Brey and I was nervous for some reason. "Zamora, can you get my laptop from the back room please" the woman said, and Brey said yes ma'am then walked out of the room. Then she leaned closer to me, batted her eye lashes, and asked "So, Daniel how long have you been eyeing my Granddaughter."

Nick looked at me like I was crazy for a few seconds then asked to be excused and she told him that he "most certainly could not." "Um, not for very long ma'am" I said hoping that it was the right answer. She smiled then Brey walked back in the room handing her grandmother the laptop. "Honey, since you're up can you get us something to drink, Nicky will help you" she said with a smile, then they went into another room. She scooted even closer to me almost on my lap, then she had a straight razor at my neck. "Now Daniel if you so much as think of hurting my dear, sweet, Zamora I will come out or retirement and invent a whole new way of torturing and killing a person just for you, you understand" she said mincingly. I nodded in agreement or out of pure fear. Then she put the razor away then gave me a hug returning to her sweet and kind persona. Then Brey and Nick walked back in with a few glasses of sweet tea.

CTIAOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora