Chapter fifty three: Ghostly visit

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After those words, Crowe left the room with a slam, locking the door behind her. Blake practically carries me to the chair nearest to us, helping me sit down whilst still looking concerned.

Never in my whole existence have I seen my brother look this concerned.

Once I was safely sat down on the chair, Blake began pacing around the room, his hands scrunching his hair up now and then.
Suddenly, he slammed both his hands on the nearest table.

"Why Raven!" He screams at me, turning his face to mine. Our eyes connect and I notice how his are darkening.

But there was something not quite right about the way he was looking at me. He started to advance my way, all the while not removing his gaze on my eyes.

He crouches to my level, and brings both hands either side of my face looking deep into my eyes. Worry flashes in his cerise eyes, the dark specks returning to their usual colour.

He drops my head from his hands, scrambling to his feet, moving away from me.

"Why are you l-looking at me like that" I ask, stumbling over my words.

"Raven, since when have your eyes had blue specks instead of black" he says, looking at me like I'm a ghost.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, covering my eyes with my hands.

"Raven I'm telling you, I think your eyes are turning blue!"

"That's impossible!!" I say, beginning to panic.

"Nothings impossible in this world"an airy voice says from behind me.

Removing my hands from my eyes, I carefully look up at Blake to see him as white as a sheet.
Slowly, I turn around to be met with a pair of familiar eyes, except their colour was gone.

Sarah was staring right back at me with her now dulled blue eyes.

How is this possible? She should be trapped inside that demon toddler!

For some reason, I couldn't bring any words to my mouth. It was almost as if the shock had locked away any form of communication I had.

"H-how" Blake asks, backing away from his previous lover.

"It's Rayne, Blake. He's performing some sort of ritual on OUR son! And here you are doing nothing about it" Sarah says in a ghostly tone, her face remaining emotionless.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean he's performing a ritual?" I ask, slowly regaining my confidence.

"Think about it princess. Every soul that demon child collects remains in his head. We're in the way" Another ghostly voice says, this time from behind me.

I spin around to see what appears to be Harriet leaning against the wall. Yet, she too is a ghost.

"In the way?" I question, looking at the two ghosts, utterly confused.

"Honestly, and you're the heir to the underworlds throne" Harriet says. I scowl at her, turning to Sarah instead.

"Raven, I'm a pure soul. I've been saying nothing but loving words inside my sons head. Rayne wants to corrupt my baby" she says as a ghostly tear somehow rolls down her cheek.

Now it all makes sense. Rayne wants to corrupt that toddler because then he can use his deathly curse at his bidding.

"But how has he been corrupted so soon?" I ask the ghost. A sad glint seems to form in her soulless eyes as she turns to Harriet's ghost.

"It was her spirit. Her anger somehow affected him." Sarah says sadly.

I turn to Harriet, who is still leaning against the wall, which I don't know how since it's physically impossible.

But that's just it.....

She should be falling through that wall, yet she isn't.

"Harriet, how are you leaning against that wall?" I ask her. She scowls at me and shrugs.

"How should I know? I'm not even alive anymore"

"But that's why it should be impossible" Blake says, finally recovering from seeing his dead girlfriend.

"Sarah, do me a favour and just touch the table behind you" I say, pointing at the wooden object.

She obediently does as she's told, yet unlike Harriet, her hand goes straight through it.

"Just as I thought" I mutter.

I gave Harriet once again, but this time I notice a big difference. It's her chocolate brown eyes. Sarah's eyes are white, soulless. Yet Harriet has colour. This isn't possible!

"Harriet, you have a physical form!" I gasp, stepping away.

"And?" She says, emotionless.

"It means, your body is what corrupted Edward. Not your anger. Did you drink anything funny or strange before you were supposedly 'killed' by my son?" Blake asks, glaring at the girl.

"Well, before I took him, Rayne did make me drink this strange potion" Harriet says.

"He's planned it all along" Sarah says, distraught.

"Rayne isn't that smart. He wouldn't just get rid of me. He needs me!" Harriet exclaims in denial.

Poor girl. She doesn't understand how cunning and evil her father truly is. She doesn't understand how his twisted mind works. But I do. Because, it's mother who has corrupted it even more....

And knowing Crowe....she will have every single detail planned out. Which means...

"Harriet, he wanted Edward to kill you" I say, watching her emotionless expression change to one of anger.

"What on earth are you proposing?" She says, her face dripping with anger.

"What I'm proposing is that Rayne planned to have you killed all along. It's all because he needed Sarah out of his head. If she was still in there, then he wouldn't be able to manipulate Edward..." I say slowly, realisation dawning on myself as I speak.

He's evil that wizard. He knew Harriet would obediently listen to him. She saw him as a father, yet he betrayed her trust.

And now it's all over. If Rayne gets in that child's head, it's the end of the world.

"The death crisis is happening again" Blake announces, pacing around the room.

"What's the death crisis?" I ask, not knowing what he meant.

"Raven this ain't the first time the death curse has happened. And it won't be the last"

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