Chapter fifteen: Father comes calling

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Ally has been relocated to a safer place. She's living with Callum and Jenna. It's perfectly safe because Adam thinks his brother is dead. Besides, he would have probably known she was here anyway. Just because he couldn't physically come here doesn't mean he couldn't send someone.

Staring up at the ceiling, I lay on Blake's bed watching him shuffle around the room. It's weird seeing life or should I say death being put back into this room. Father doesn't know he's here yet which is why he's nervously pacing around the room. If he thinks I took it bad, imagine what father will be like. It has been two years after all.

"What do you think he'll do? Will he banish me for abandoning my duty?" He says, staring into my eyes.

"I'm surprised you managed to abandon your duty Blake, I would never be able to do that" I say honestly, staring into his fiery red eyes. He brings his hand up to his mouth and begins biting his nails nervously.

"Blake I know this is hard to do but when father comes home, I need you to be as confident as possible. If he sees you like you are now, he has more of a reason to banish you" I say flatly, showing no emotion in my face.

"I'm not you though Raven, you were always the confident sibling. I was the one that wanted to follow my own rules, heck you scare me most of time!" He said, showing that he actually cares about me. I have missed this side of my dear brother.
We both froze as we began to hear footsteps approaching Blake's bedroom. He took one big gulp until we finally hear the familiar voice.

"Raven? Are you in your brothers room?" The grim reaper himself called from outside the door.

I look towards Blake, apologetically as I replied to my father "yes I'm here father"  I say, staring at the wooden door. It soon slowly begins to open, revealing Grim standing behind it.

"What on earth are you doing in her-" that's when he spotted his son. Anger began to cross his garnet eyes, fire filling them with hatred. Poor Blake, never should have abandoned his duty.
"Why are you here?" My father growled, holding his silver scythe in his hand. He glared at Blake, waiting for his answer. Blake sighed as he stood up straight, returning my fathers glare.

"Like you already know, Raven has proclaimed war against the supernatural army. So naturally I came to support her, unlike some people" the boys' glares became more intense after each second, I just sat on the bed watching curiously. I've never seen them argue before.

"Don't you dare take that tone with me boy. I've been supporting her ever since you left, ask her yourself I'm the one who returned her powers once they were stolen!" My father beamed.

"I know dad, I saw you threaten the Angel girl because you're so evil right?" Blake retorts back, crossing his arms over his chest. Both of their eyes began to glow with rage and anger, fire filling them inside. I should probably step in but it's really not my place to.

"You saw me! So even though you abandoned your duty of being a reaper, you decided to keep tabs on the business anyway!"

"Well I needed some information in case you slipped up so that I could use it as an advantage"

"You of all people know that I never slip up" my father answered rather cockily.

"Oh but dear father you have. The slip up you made was blackmailing the Angel. She's the goddess of Harmony you know" my brother began to grin from ear to ear at this point. My father speechless. I forgot to mention, grim didn't know who Ally really was, until now of course.
Father turned to face me. Great, looks like I'm getting involved into this...

"Is this true Raven?" Father asks me, a confused look covering his face. Reluctantly I nod.

"I did tell you that blackmailing her wasn't a good idea" I say shrugging. My father sighs as he turns to face Blake once again.

"You're really not here to take your duty back are you?" My father asked.

"I don't want to be the next grim reaper dad. I don't want all that responsibility. Besides, Raven would make a much better queen of the underworld"
Wait, did my brother just agree that I'm better than him? He does know that I'm not going to let him forget this right? I softly smile towards him in gratitude. I glance up towards my father and he sighs.

"We're the masters of souls, we can never die, we have ultimate power yet you want to give that all up? Why, what's your reason?"

"I met a girl" Blake announces. That's when me and father both look at him, shocked. Reapers can't love, they can't show any affection! I know that better than anyone.

"How is this possible? We don't show any affection!" My father boomed, questioning my dear brother.

"Well dad, clearly it's not true because I have fallen for a human girl!"
I think at this moment I wanted to shrink away from the scene. My brother abandoned me...for a girl? Can it be so? Is my brother actually in love?
My father was shell shocked, along with me. We never thought it was possible, especially with a human.
"Don't look so shocked father, Raven fell in love with an immortal too" Blake says, looking at me apologetically. If he thinks just a look will save him, boy is he wrong. Father turns to face me.

"This can't be, you haven't fallen in love too have you?"

"No, I could never love a monster besides, when I did fall in love I didn't have my reaper powers" I say annoyed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I understand her situation what I don't understand is yours Blake" my father said again facing him.

"I fell in love just like you did once dad, with our mother"
And just like that, silence filled the whole room.

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