Chapter Forty-Six: Tag, You're It

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A/N: Double update :3


Chapter Forty-Six: Tag, You're It

As Rain slides off my talons, black blood flooded the ground from the open wound and his mouth.

"Why?" He chokes.

I look down at him. "'Why did I know?'" my head tilts to the side. My eyes taking in the Hexer that still couldn't look me in the eye. "Because that asshat over there would never ask for help from something like me. Even if he's on his deathbed, like a fucking moron." I kneel down to this malformed, imperfect copy of Rain, "I'm sorry...but I can't let you win. You can sleep now. You don't have to fight." Rain coughs and lands on his side as his eyes close in a satisfied slumber, turning into mush as it fades away. I felt its dissipating thoughts. "It used your worst fears against you. Turning you into something that you so bitterly hate, right?" I look at the Hexer...Rain, fully.

"...How could you be so sure?" A voice. His voice asks. His mouth doesn't move but I could still hear him as if he was talking anyway. Joy to me.

I give a lop-sided grin, "I wasn't."

Rain finally looked me in the eye. "You're an ass."

"Only when it's due and quite frankly I am half tempted to leave you like this." I get back to my feet and take a step closer to him. "In misery with your mind still tainted like this. Feel all this pain with every last breath. Not like you have many left, anyway." I felt a strange sense of empowerment. I could say everything I wanted against him. He was raw and wound up and I wasn't afraid. In here there were no guns. No Outsider or Insider. No rules. No Fence. Just me, and him.

"This is my mind! I control everything!" He hisses back. The ground begins to shake and the pine trees suddenly shed their spines, all pointing at me like needles suspended in the air.

"Lucid dreamer are we?" My grin didn't shift, but my hand did, snapping my finger and thumb together. "You see," a click sounded and the sharp needles turned into the tiny little orbs that floated away. "This might be your mind but this is my territory." I shrug, "I don't feel afraid of you at all. However," I hold out my hand to him. "It's now your choice and last chance."


"I can help you. But it is your decision now, Rain." My words echo as the trees began to crumble and peel away, floating around like cinders. His world is starting to rot away. There isn't any more time. "I stopped the Hexer from taking your body and ...most of your mind is intact, yes. But I have not removed its poison. Your body in the real world is a wreck. It won't be easy. It will be painful...well less painful than it will be for me. But you are going to have to take my hand and let me in."

He looks at my claws doubtfully, then back up at me.

"Just what are you?"

How am I supposed to know?

"You don't have time, Rain. You are dying." I push. "Take my hand!"

And with that, the Hexer reaches out and his fingers brush my balm. I look up into his eyes that were still doubtful and I take a breath. At first it was nothing more than a prickling sensation but then it turned into a slow and agonising trickle of molten barbs travelling along my arm as I watch the goo slowly travel from Rain's fingers...his palm, wrist. I was slowly taking it in, leaving him whole behind and with it, shards of memories that he couldn't conceal quick enough. It felt like I was watching a glitching movie. With Rain of all people...

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