Chapter Fifteen: Spiralling Void

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A/N: ...Ok, last chapter was a bit morbid but I did have some time to do a double update for the long weekend (becasue I'm avoiding my assingments to the last second).


Chapter Fifteen: Spiralling Void

I open heavy eyelids to the sound of fighting and roaring around me. They open to the world that I was in before. The hard cold concrete against my cheek attested to that. I could feel something in my hand. Looking in front of me, I see I was holding a hand that wasn’t much smaller than mine. The only thing that remained remotely human of the Keystone. A kid who couldn’t even remember his own name. The rest of his body was nothing more than a split open rag of skin. Black veins, now shrivelled up poured out of the skin rag, crossing the ground and the walls like dying vines.

I hold back everything. I remember it all. He was trapped in his own world because someone turned his body into something that he couldn’t call his own anymore. Mutilated. They destroyed it. I’ve really had enough.

Mr Tiger’s roar drew my attention as I realise that there was a full on Hexer army surrounding him. Apparently taking a holiday is out of the question. I struggle to my feet, seeing that the tiger was struggling to protect me. I don’t know how long I’ve left him all on his own. But he looks exhausted, battered and ready to fall over in a heap any second. I manage to just raise myself. Why? Why can’t they just leave us alone already?

Emotion bubbled in my chest, rising but caught in my throat, making my eyes and nose feel congested. It hurts.

Can’t I be left alone for five fucking minutes? Fuck!

A sudden impact rocked the world as dust and debris flung out around us, allowing the pale morning light to filter through the dust and snow slowing falling around us. Everything stopped as we all look at the centre of this…what? Meteorite that managed to land in front of me and the tiger, taking out a good number of Hexers.

In the middle of all this was a slumped over carcass of a small Wyrm, leaning in from the hole, the rest of the body still arching in from outside. Well when I say ‘small’, I mean it was the size of a semi –trailer. Where the fuck did it come from? Black blood poured from the mouth cavity and the deep cuts that wracked most of its body. Something beside it moved, I caught a glimpse of white gold that moved like lightning, disappearing like a figment of my imagination.

I mentally groan. What now?

That was when I realise that the Hexers suddenly go in a panic as white gold flash through them, taking them all out, cracking through their crystal encased bodies like brittle glass until none were left. I look up to feel my jaw drop as the white gold lightning came to a sudden stop in front of me. Mismatch quicksilver and burning gold eyes stare back at me. X.

I feebly reach for the blade that was (still fucking) beside me, raising it at him, even though I knew it was pointless.

A small grin and an amused grunt escapes his lips before he crashes to his knees, blood spurting from his mouth as he coughs and chokes, falling to his side in a crumpled heap.

I sat there, too shocked to move. I notice that he was fully covered in wounds, all deep gashes and his breathing was slowing down.

Is he dead?


Ah and here I was missing Mr. Tiger in my head. I scramble my way towards him and place a hand to his wrist, then his neck. My eyes widen in shock as his pulse was getting so weak that his heart was going to stop any second.

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