Publishing and Fan Funding!

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Hey guys! So as most of you know by now The Cellar is being published by Sourcebooks! Woo hoo I am so excited to have a book traditionally published!! And it's part of Wattpad's Fan Funding project. I know you might wonder why I'm asking for funding when it's being published because I don't need money for editors and artwork, etc. Well every pledge is a pre-order and will help The Cellar be a successfully book once it's released. As well as e-books and signed paperbacks you can also get other cool rewards too!

Sourcebooks is an independent publishing house in America therefore the book will only be on sale in the US and Canada in March. They are looking for a publisher in the UK too, and if they can't they'll ship the American version over here. But that does mean if you want the paperback book and live outside the US or Canada the only way you can get it is through the fan funding (UK only)

Thank you to all of you than plan on pledging, to the people that have already done so and to the people that have shared my project with their followers. You're really helping The Cellar be successful and hopefully that will get it published in other countries too. I appreciate it so much.

Here's the link to my fan funding project, where you can pledge or just check it out - and if that doesn't work it's either on the external link at the side over there ----> or on a massive banner on my profile that you can't miss lol! You'll hear my bad voice in the video and see my little boy saying hello too!


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