Bonus Chapter - Finding Rose

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Okay so this is how Clover 'found' Rose (It's before Becca/Poppy, Summer and Louise/Heather so the girls that are in the cellar now are 'old ones')


Finding Rose

Clover's POV

I sat around the unbalanced table with Heather, Poppy and Lily. There should be four flowers sitting with me. Rose was missing.

“Is everything okay, Clover?” Lily asked, love and concern shining in her eyes. Lily was beautiful and had been with me for just over a year now, she was the one that took care of the other’s and guided them. I couldn’t ask any more of her.

“Everything’s fine,” I replied, smiling through my unease. I ate silently, listening to their conversations and occasionally joining in when necessary. I couldn’t relax, not until I had all my girls here.

When everyone had finished their meal I excused myself and made my way to my room to get changed for tonight. I was going to see her again tonight, my Kayley. The girl that occupied my every thought. The girl that I wanted to wake up with every morning, the one that I would share everything with.

I dressed in smart black trousers, a grey jumper and slipped on my long black coat. After styling my hair and washing my hands I pulled on my gloves and went out to my car.

I parked in the supermarket car park and made the short walk to the hostel where she was staying. I hated that she was there but she had yet to agree to move into my house. She was sitting alone in the field behind the hostel as usual, her long brunette hair blowing lightly in the wind.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way over to her, “Hello again, Kayley.”

She smiled warmly, her cheeks flushing light pink, and patted the ground beside her, “Hello Clover.” I sat down beside her, ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach that I was sitting on the dirty ground. The germs would be running over every inch of my body by now. I shuddered, feeling sick to my stomach but just about managing to control myself in front of her.

“How was your day then?”

“The same,” she said sadly, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m glad you’re here.” She admitted, blushing lightly again. I took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly; she didn’t need to be shy around me.

“Me too.” I had been coming to see her for the past two weeks and leaving her at the end of the evening was becoming harder with each day.

Everything was different with Kayley, she was the one. Part of me did feel guilty for feeling more for her than the other girls but I couldn’t help it, there was just something about her. She was perfect, everything a woman should be. I wanted her to live with me, to be my wife. She reminded me a lot of my mother.

“How was work?” she asked, sounding genuinely interested. That was what I loved the most about her. She cared about people even though others have treated her badly. Her family had turned their back on her but she was still very motherly and caring. When she was finally mine I would see that no one ever took advantage or hurt her again.

“It was good thank you, although a long day.” She nodded, playing with a blade of grass. I closed my eyes and took a calming breath, she had no idea how dirty that was, anything could be on that grass. “What have you been doing today?”

“I read a little and then came out here.” The same as every other day.

“And how was everyone else in the hostel?” I frowned as I thought about the incident two nights ago. Some vile whore had hit her while trying to steal what little money she had left, leaving behind a faint red mark on her left cheek.

The CellarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora