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Alex looked at me when we heard the door bell.

"Are we expecting someone?" She asked.

She knows her parents wouldn't ring the doorbell as they have their own key of the place.

"Somebody, I invited some people, I hope that's okay?" I looked at her with my pleading eyes.


"Umm... Friends?"

She tilted her head and I take that as an Okay from her.

Annie already opened the door when I went down the stairs.

"Hey, you're the first." I greeted Peter as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah, I canceled my meeting this afternoon, she upstairs?" He didn't wait for me to answer him and went up with me following him.

"Hey, Sis!" He greeted Alex happily.

Alex smiled at him and held out her arms for Peter.

"Pete!" I could hear from Alex's voice the excitement when she knows it's her brother. She probably didn't expect that he was invited.

I let them catch up and went downstairs.

Not long when the doorbell ring again, I opened it and was glad it was Claire.

I was just about to hug her when she spoke.

"Ohh, hello, the bags under Cara's eyes! Are you not sleeping?"

"It was nice to see you too, Claire!" I scoffed at her which she just chuckled.

"Seriously, are you not sleeping?" Claire put down the boxes of food in the counter and joined me in the couch.

"I am... I am sleeping, it's just that, sometimes, you know... Alex would wake up and I had to wait for her to fall back to sleep." I reasoned.


I looked at Claire's furrowed brows.

"Cara, I'm not saying you stop caring for her, just don't forget about yourself. She has her personal nurse living with you here, don't take everything yourself. You're not wonder woman, you may look like her, but you're not her."

How can she divert a very personal matter into a funny conversation, really?

I smiled at her shaking my head.

Brian came just 10 minutes after.

Since Alex cannot come down, we all gathered in the bedroom.

We set up the couch and tables, we had our dinner while chatting.

"Thank you." Alex whispered in my ear.

I was sitting next to her, holding her hand under the blanket.

"I needed this." She continued.

"You're welcome." I smiled at her and kissed her on her cheek.

After our dinner, the guys decided to have a couple of beers while we set up a movie that nobody was watching.

Peter hasn't stop talking about his childhood with Alex and Brian, which Alex was so embarrassed to hear about.

"She would never, never let me and Brian to have girlfriends, like seriously!" Brian laughed remembering it.

"Yeah, yeah! Whenever she would hear in the school that we're dating someone, she would intercept and in front of our girlfriends, would kiss us on the cheek and call us baby! Like what the F, right?" He continued and everybody laughed.

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