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Alex and I are both stunned at Rose's question.

What are we, really?

It took us what I think was a minute before one of us managed to talk.

"We're subordinates, but we're... getting along well, so maybe we're almost friends?" Alex said.

The two girls laughed at what she said, I myself even laugh a little.

Almost friends.

But Claire did not buy it, mainly because she already know something is happening between us. She just smirked at the both of us and I know, Alex gets it. She knows that Claire must know something.

"You can go, Alex." I leaned over her a little so she could hear me.

"I'm not going anywhere, babe."


It's no big deal really, babe is literally an endearment used by girls towards their girlfriends.

But why does it have an impact on my little heart?

"No, really, you can go. I'm fine here."

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere so stop pushing me away."

I saw Claire was watching us so I backed away from Alex. I grabbed a drink from the table but Alex's hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" She asked me glaring.

"Well, drinking is what I planned on doing." I tried to take the glass from her hand but she took it away and placed it on the other corner of the table.

It's a good thing Michelle and Rose are busy scanning the people around us but not Claire, she was watching us and I could tell that she was amused, if I will base it on her smirking face, she is definitely amused.

"Aren't you drunk enough to be still drinking?" I feel like a child being scolded.

"The alcohol has gone down from my system, give me back my glass, Alex!" I scolded her back but with a low voice, I don't want to make a scene and since Claire is watching us, I don't want her to overhear us.

Alex ignored me and it annoyed the hell out of me. I leaned my back on the chair and had my arms crossed in my chest.

I know I'm scowling, I can't help it. Alex is acting like my girlfriend, a protective one.

Are we girlfriends?

When it was asked earlier, if what we are, I thought about it.

We are definitely not friends, friends don't kiss each other on the lips, don't sleep together hugging each other, don't tease them half nakedly.

But, what are we?

I looked at Alex who was already looking at me. She smiled but I turned my face from her. I heard her chuckle.

"There you are!" I turned to see Daniel Atkins standing behind Alex's seat. He is the actor that Alex dated, or so I thought.

Alex was clearly shocked seeing him. Her face turned to me almost immediately.

"Daniel!" Alex stood up and was surprised when he hugged her. Yes, I know she was surprised as her body was visibly tensed from it. Even when he was hugging her, she tried to turn her face to me and mouth 'I'm sorry'.

And as if I was not shocked enough, Daniel kissed her lips.

My mouth hung open and I suddenly felt pain creeping up my chest.

Dammit, that hurts.

I blinked my eyes several times while my mouth still hung open, trying to see if I was just imagining it, but no. There they are, kissing. I cannot see if Alex was kissing him back because her back was on me.

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