Chapter Forty-Three: Whispers in the Snow

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Chapter Forty-Three: Whispers in the Snow

X's grip starts to change, sliding to my neck to hold me in place, pushing himself deeper as I feel his tongue reach for my lips and I'm melting as I let him gain access-

Oz's voice cuts into my ear, "Just got a good glimpse of ain't pretty. It's completely overrun by at least five separate major Hexer Nests and that's just above ground...I'm issuing a warning that there may be scouts of the Hive-minds for up to a five-hundred kilometre radius. The Nest saturation levels do not seem to extend further than ten kilometres from the Fence in any given direction. But I can't say for the influence..."

Fenir's voice immediately responds, "Is the Tower still intact?"

"'s probably housing the initial Host.'

"Fuck." His voice pauses, giving me enough time to lunge back from X, realising what I was doing, completely red, I felt like my face could melt winter from existence. "X, you will need to extend your 'sight'. Watch for any movement. Oz, get out of range and alert Siem to the situation. Kid," he pauses for a second and I realise that he was now under the treehouse and talking to me...and I'm not ready to face anyone right now. His voice was now echoing from down below and in my ear, "We need to hurry. There is a chance that if there is a Queen controlling a Tower that they have the intelligence to intercept any radio calls and redirect themselves to our position. It is unlikely but..." He didn't need to finish the sentence.

I hear X moving towards me and I freeze, unable to look at him in the eye trying to get myself together at what I had just done. He on the other hand looked calm and composed. I see his fingers reach out, push against the base of my neck as his lips touch my forehead before I feel him taking a deep breath, letting me go and as I stare up at his face like an idiot, I see his pupils change to slits and he leaps to the ground, landing in front of Fenir like a cat.

His voice was strangely distant as he speaks, "No movement within a five kilometre radius, for now. However...unknown movement seven kilometres to the east. Do I follow?"

"Negative. Seth," Fenir pauses for Seth to respond. "Get back in range. Now."

"I damn well heard him. I've travelled south-east. There is nothing in this area either."

I see X touch something on his on headset, just behind the ear that must have made his signal live. "No movement, whatsoever?"

"That is a neg-a-tory."

"No natural fauna?"

" that you mention it. -Fuck me sideways and call me Gwendolyn. X-"

X cuts him off, "I see it. Can you handle the temperature drop?"

"No more than normal, mate. As much as I'm enjoying the scenery, Kae, we have less than twenty minutes before temperatures drop below...comfortably freezing to death to cholesterol cannot functionally keep us from literally freezing to death."

"What's changed?" I called down to Fenir and X, working my way over to the ladder to get down.

'Big...dark...scary. And fast. And cold. Bad. Dreamer will stay in dreams...forever.' Lady stands up from where she was sitting to meet me as I descend.

'What is it?' I ask her back as I find safety curly my fingers in her fur. She sends me an emotional shockwave that nearly bowls me over. It freezes my lungs in my chest, my ribcage becoming brittle as the ice devours bone, turning it to sand as I choke. Darkness fringed in blue and smoke rushes before me, only death and sleep's sweet nectar was the warm embrace that I could use to escape. The eyes are watching me. Choking on the blood -kill me-

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