Chapter Twelve: Abandoned Wonderland

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A/N: A couple of days late...sorry about that. Two things happened to me; gym and writer's block. I was drawing a blank for a bit but still managed to pull through...somehow...

and I was forced to join a gym (becasue I am seriously unfit...) and thus far am proving that exercise kills people. I couldn't move for three days and I'm still limping...

anyway, new chapter!


Chapter Twelve: Abandoned Wonderland

The sight before me after leaving the diner left me feeling unbearably hollow. The wall was smashed to pieces. Full sheets suspended in mid-air by the thick black crystal, including the gate. The gate that not even Cody could take down. But there it is; dangling far above my head like a piece of meat on a skewer. It even swung slightly in the light breeze.

I limp forward a little, the cat seeming to be content at the snail pace I was attempting to hobble at. Another step. Another step. I bite my lip, supressing the waves of pain that rankle my body.

The tiger’s thoughts form almost coherent words, Continue? Confusion. Hurt. Pain. Why?

I tighten my grip on its fur, I need to keep moving. If I stop, I won’t move again. I need to go forward.

Irrational. Foolish.

Just as I was about to say something back, something shiny hits my eyes. I look up. And there was the goddamn blade. Again. It is seriously turning into the proverbially ‘bad penny’. This time it was sticking out of what I presumed to what was once a wall. I should just leave it there. My tongue clicks as I reach for the damn thing. Curse me and my sentimentality. I hate this thing. But I’m probably going to need it. It saved my ass a few times. The blade slides out of the concrete easily enough with a hiss. I couldn’t even hold it up as the point hits the ground with a dull tink and I find myself leaning on it like an old man with a cane. My hands shake, remembering last night. It was so easy to kill. Don’t think about it. I feel like I’m going to be sick.

I lean on the tiger a bit more, pressing my head into its shoulder and shut my eyes to fight the wave of nausea rising from the pit of my stomach. Quite frankly, I feel like I was going to vomit blood.  It hurt so much. But I need to keep moving. My feet seem to have a will of their own as they slowly take me towards the wrecked monstrosity of what was left of the wall.

I look up the street that lead into the once called ‘haven’ from the outside world. A place that was supposed to be paradise compared to out here. A place that threw us away. I could barely see the skyscrapers and streets. All in ruins. The crystal pillars shooting out everywhere. But I was curious. What was so special on the other side?

Feeling a little dizzy, I still manage to take another step towards the place that had been ‘forbidden’ to us for the last ten years. My heart is seriously ponding wave after loud wave of pressure in my ears. It was a place that everyone outside desperately wanted to go. It was a place that everyone inside wanted to keep locked up.

Walking up to the gate, both me and the cat manage to squeeze past the thick obsidian crystal through to the other side. And what greeted us was something that was a replica of the first Disaster. The entire city was at a standstill. Fire still burned some of the buildings, cars littered the streets, some crashed into each other in a panic. Stores destroyed and glass and debris spread like glittered reflections of tiny stars in the morning sun. Towers of crystal jutted out everywhere just like outside. Walking down what I could only guess be a main district I saw a huge plasma screen spanning an entire building’s side that was still working, despite a crystal poking out the middle. But it only reflected black and white static. Despite all the destruction and panic that I had assumed only happened hours ago, it was quiet. Like the dead. And there weren’t any bodies either. I even check a crashed car with a glance; abandoned, the keys still in the ignition.

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