Chapter Twenty-Six ✓

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Chapter Twenty-Six:

Emberly's POV:

'Come on Emberly you can do it.' I chanted in my head and inhaled loudly. It was past midnight but that didn't stop me from trying again. The sound of my heart beating seemed a lot louder than the dial tone. I held my breath when I heard his gruff voice on the phone. Shit, speak, speak, speak. Say something.

"If you think I will find it cute, if you keep calling me again and again with no number, then think again. I am so fucking close to reporting you to the police that..."

I didn't hear it all as I pressed the end call button quickly. My breaths were coming out a lot shorter and harder. This was the tenth time that this had happened. Yes it was nearly two in the morning now and yes I was calling Arran. I thought that if I called him and told him everything, he would at least know what was happening but no, I couldn't seem to say even a single word, forget having a conversation with him. After I left his father's house, he had called me so many times but I didn't know what to say or do. I was too shocked to notice what was happening around me.

The coward I am, I ended up calling him with a blocked number at this late hour. This way I am guaranteed of not to be graced by his highness's anger. I wanted to tell him what his father had said but if after thinking about it, I couldn't just go up to him and say 'hey Arran, you know your father bribed me to play with your feelings. What you think?' No mate, no can do.

I was more afraid of his reaction. What if he ended up hating me or what if he thought that the only reason I was working for him was because his father and I had planned something? What if he thought I only cared for him because it had to do with my contract? How could I work after that? He wouldn't even look at me.

However, sadly I didn't care about that at all. The main reason why I couldn't seem to tell him was because I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want him to be disappointed with his father. I loved my dad and I knew how protective he could get, so I didn't want his dad to fail him. After all, he was just trying to help his son, not in the right way though, if I must add, but he was doing all this for his son. But didn't Arran deserve to know the truth? I didn't want to be the reason for a fight between the two of them. What if he trusted his dad over me?

I called him once more. Boy, was he going to be pissed or what? Wait, he already was. Who wouldn't be? I was annoying him with anonymous calls. Please god, help me utter a word this time. I will owe you big time. Call me whacky but I was extremely nervous.

"Who the fuck is this? I swear if I ever find out, I will personally make sure to make your life a living hell...."

Pfft, like you haven't already. I gulped and waited for his rant to be over.

"Uhmm..." My voice was extremely squeaky. It was now or never.

"Fuck off."

With that, the line went dead. I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish. I tried once more and was disappointed when it was switched off. Maybe, I didn't have to tell him. Some things were better left unsaid. Yeah, I didn't have to tell him. I didn't want Mr. Raymond to hate me and I didn't want to hurt him. Just because he couldn't think straight, didn't mean I couldn't. I would try talking to Mr. Raymond again to convince him that what he was trying to do was wrong. That way Arran wouldn't get hurt again and nothing would be ruined. It was a perfect thought... only if I could convince myself. I spent the whole night tossing around.

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