Chapter Three ✓

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Edited by Mia <3 (76ROSE) Merci x

Chapter Three:

Emberly's POV:

First day at the office and I was already screwed. I just got shouted at by my boss. I made a deal with Mr. Raymond that I would look after him or more like 'babysit' his son and he agreed on paying for all the medical bills and even the cost of the transplant coming from another country within a night. If you think about it, it wasn't a bad deal at all. I had asked myself, how bad could his son really be? Plus he was paying triple the amount of what I should've been getting so what was the point of complaining? He had me sign a contract and told me to keep his son away from all the scandals and keep his reputation safe. Easy right?

However, I was wrong, so wrong. As soon as I told the receptionist I was the new assistant of A. Raymond, she almost told me to quit the job. Okay, I might have been exaggerating a bit but in my defence she had given me a 'you-sure-you're-not-crazy?' look.

Ignoring the sympathetic looks I was getting from people, I made my way toward his office. I had to say, Raymond & Company were a little (a lot) noisy in terms of people working here. I had done my research before coming here and found out Mr. Raymond, the old dude I met in the hospital, had two sons and one daughter. Even though his sons had taken over the business, he still owned a majority of shares over this company.

You must have read plenty of stories about a little boy who had bigger than life dreams to be well known and rich who one day caught a train to a big city to try his luck and become successful? Yeah? Well Mr. Raymond wasn't like that at all. He was born with silver spoon in his mouth. This was reflected through his little heaven, which was passed down, by his father, so on and so forth.

The company interior itself was so breathtakingly beautiful. Everything appeared so elegant that I rubbed my shoes on the doormat several times before entering. Employees were dressed in their best designer suits that made me feel a little out of place.

 When I made my way to his office, I immediately held my breath. I had to admit, the office was definitely something I wanted in the future if I ever got promoted. Everything was so organised and shiny that it made me feel out of place even though I was wearing one of the best suits I owned. My office was right outside his, there was a glass wall blocking us but we could see each other.

I studied the certificates hanging on the wall and was praising him silently when I heard the door closing loudly. Caught off guard, I trembled a bit. I managed to steady my heart and dared to look at him which was a huge mistake.

There he was, Arran Raymond. I expected him to be good looking but I had never expected him to be one of those models straight from the GQ magazine. His striking, green eyes were gazing at me intensely. I squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. His dark, brown hair was styled in a messy yet clean look. High cheekbones, those lips, that nose, those shoulders, that body and that... I stopped myself from perving more and mentally slapped myself.

That was when I heard him telling me to get out. Not believing what I heard, I muttered 'pardon' and in turn I was 'blessed' with a huge thunder of curse words. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling frightened by this man. My whole body was shaking and I somehow managed to stop the tears from falling. Biting my lower lip tightly, I moved quickly out of his office and went to the nearest toilet, avoiding the pitying looks I was getting. Once I was in a stall, I locked the door and slid down. My throat felt constricted and it was hurting like hell. Tears were now freely rolling from my eyes, not even once in my life had I been shouted at like that and I almost shitted myself.

'I can't do this. To hell with this job. If I can't handle his shouting, how the hell am I going to work with him?' I almost decided to quit on the first day. Then I remembered my dad's beaming face when the doctor told him the good news. If I backed out I would lose the most valuable person in my life and shatter another's heart. I couldn't be selfish; I had to do it for them. Getting myself together, I unlocked the door and firmly placed my hands on the sink.

I was so stupid to believe that it would be easy but reminding myself of the contract, I knew I couldn't back out now. Knowing what I needed to do, I splashed water on my face and dried it off with tissues. To hell with the make-up. Making my way back to the office, I opened the door without knocking, there he was, sitting in a big leather chair, the devil was reading a file and abruptly stopped to scowl at me.

"Did I not tell you to get out?" He scowled, his voice rising again.

For a minute I got scared again but calming my nerves I spoke confidently "Yes you did but I believe you can't do that"

"What do you mean?" He looked at me strangely, as if I had grown two extra heads.

"You see you're not the boss of me, well technically you are, but your father hired me so only he can tell me to get out and I'm not going anywhere until he tells me." I stated matter-of-factly.

"I can fire you." He simply shrugged his shoulder. My eyes lingered on his broad shoulders, which were in a well-fitted crisp shirt.

'Concentrate Em, concentrate. You will get plenty of chanced to drool over him later Remember he is a piece of tool.' I scolded myself.

"Not according to the contract." I said quickly, not wanting to be caught staring at him.

"What contract?" he now stood in front of me but thank god for the safe distance between us. His scent was creating a havoc of my senses. I took the contract out of the file I was holding and handed it to him.

"In here it clearly states that unless Mr. Thomas Raymond fires me, you Arran Raymond, cannot fire me at all. Mistakes or no mistakes. Whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me."

He eyed me thoughtfully and I showed no emotion of fear whatsoever but the truth was, I was feeling very intimidated by him. After a minute he smirked which nearly made me have a heart attack and the words he said after, caused my pulse to quicken more than it already was.

"Well in that case I won't fire you, you will quit yourself. Welcome to hell Miss Emberly Rae." He stated darkly. 

'Oh boy.'


Dedicated to one of my favourite writer on wattpad :D guys do check her story. It's my favourite :) its called 'The chains that pull us down'.

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