⟣Chapter 103

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I might change between Jiang and General from time to time…

“Since we support each other’s development, I suppose Jiang City, under Xiao Jiang’s control, is about to be taken, right?” Xiao Jiang coldly spoke.

Hua Jiang chuckled, “Xiao Jiang’s methods are no match for mine. Frostfall City is such a large city, and Xiao Jiang dares to advance bravely. My Jiang City can’t compare.”

Hua Jiang superficially complimented Xiao Jiang while actually stabbing Yin Jiang in the back.

Since they were pursuing their own development, it was certain that the cities closer to their own gates would be more advantageous. The southern gate of Hua Jiang corresponded to Jiang City, a once prosperous metropolis. If they occupied it, the strength of Hua Jiang would undoubtedly increase significantly.

The eastern gate outside Frostfall City corresponded to Frostfall City itself. Beyond Frostfall City to the east was Yunjing City, the economic and political center. The closer it was to Yunking City, the more prosperous it became. Frostfall City was wealthier than Jiang City and had a larger land area.1TL’s note: too much city T^T

The western gate corresponding to Jin City was also decent for the Mo faction, on par with Jiang City. Both were second-tier cities. Although they were not as strong as Frostfall City, they were still quite good.

On the other hand, the northern gate corresponding to Li City was a third-tier city. Even if they captured it, there would be no future development. In other words, the entire north had no prospects for development. The best regions were in the east and south. These two directions were either occupied by Xiao Jiang’s faction or Hua Jiang’s faction. Yin Jiang would definitely be unwilling to guard the northern wilderness.

After the meeting filled with cold sarcasm and confrontation came to an end, Lord Nie just left the conference room when his adjutant hurriedly approached to report. Lord Nie finally learned that the Sixth District had already turned upside down during his meeting.

Lord Nie hurriedly rushed home, witnessing numerous destroyed areas along the way. The people in the Sixth District were in a state of panic, discussing the recent intense pursuit battle. The battle was fierce, causing significant damage to buildings and vehicles, but they failed to apprehend anyone.

Lord Nie’s face turned grave. Just as he stepped into his home, he heard a woman’s wailing cry and hysterical scream, “What do you mean they escaped?! There was no one in the car, and you didn’t search? I want them dead! They must pay for my brother’s life!”

Nie Tianling’s forehead was furrowed. “That’s the Fourth District, not the Sixth District.”

People from the Sixth District rushed into the Fourth District to search. Were the people from Hua Jiang dead? A city-wide brawl was about to unfold in a matter of minutes.

Yu Jinlin screamed, “Nie Tianling! He is my brother! Hao Hao’s uncle! As your brother-in-law, don’t you seek revenge for him? Instead, you’re here worrying about regional issues. Do you really consider him your brother?! Think about what he has done for you and Hao Hao all these years! How much has he done for you, taking on your burdens? He went to the Jinyang Beast Park to help Hao Hao pursue Miss Hua. Now he’s been killed, and you’re not even willing to avenge him?!”

Nie Tianling also grew furious, “It’s not that I don’t want to avenge him, but we can’t catch the culprits!”

Yu Jinlin scolded angrily, “The entire Sixth District can’t catch two people, what else can you accomplish, one by one?!”

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