⟣Chapter 50

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Shao Fei’s level of decay was slightly worse than that of an ordinary zombie, but its eyes were exceptionally clear.

Wen Qingling asked, “How do you feel?”

Shao Fei looked down at his decaying hands and replied hoarsely, “Am I no longer human?”

Wen Qingling nodded and said, “You’re a conscious zombie with decay, but your transformation speed is extremely fast, only taking 3 minutes.”

Shao Fei pondered and asked, “How do I test my strength?”

After Wen Qingling’s strength had increased again, all civilized zombies were upgraded to Level 3 Evolved beings. Wen Qingling brought a Level 3 Evolved zombie and tossed it to Shao Fei for a battle.

The Level 3 Evolved Hunter was fast and agile, with sharp claws. Shao Fei, who used to be a research assistant and had no combat experience, was certain to die in a fight against it.

As Shao Fei struggled to dodge, barely avoiding having his neck twisted, Wen Qingling intervened and stopped the fight, allowing the Hunter to leave. He had already understood something.

Humans transformed by civilized zombies would have a power level two grades lower than that of truly civilized zombies, likely only at the Level 1 Evolved stage. This meant that humans bitten by civilized zombies would directly possess the power of an Evolved zombie, along with self-awareness and language abilities. If humans were to find out about this, they would certainly not allow their existence.

The only downside was the appearance—Shao Fei’s level of decay was severe, emitting a strong foul odor.

Wen Qingling took out a package and asked, “Do you want to eat?”

Shao Fei took it and sniffed the contents. It had a sweet aroma. He opened the package, and the fresh and sweet scent became even stronger. He wanted to eat but felt hesitant and instead opened the box and drank the red liquid inside, without consuming the chunks of blood anemones.

After drinking the red liquid, Shao Fei’s decaying flesh began to repair itself, quickly returning to its original state.

Shao Fei handed back the remaining blood anemones to Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling raised an eyebrow and asked, “You didn’t finish eating?”

Shao Fei hesitated and replied, “I feel like if I eat it all, I might die.”

Wen Qingling repackaged the bag and said, “Well, this saves some blood anemones.”

If only the blood anemone liquid was needed, there was no need to kill the blood anemones. It could be extracted with a syringe. If zombies could also become civilized zombies using the same method, it would truly save on blood anemones.

Wen Qingling glanced at the training ground but didn’t go over. Instead, he relayed a message to Mo Yuruo, “I’m leaving.”

Mo Yuruo, terrified, urged him to leave quickly. “Go, go! Don’t come back unless necessary.”

Wen Qingling let the four research assistants find a vehicle and follow him back to Ling City.

Wen Qingling and the others were unfamiliar with the equipment needed for research, so they couldn’t make any arrangements until they arrived with the four of them. They would figure out what they needed and find a way to obtain it.

Two cars raced back to Ling City Base. Outside Ling City, survivors who had come to investigate the situation could still be seen. This group of survivors was more cautious and didn’t recklessly approach the cars. They watched as the two vehicles traveled toward Ling City.

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