Chapter Thirty-Three (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Chapter Thirty-Three

The rain pounded against the roof, and strong rumbles of thunder resounded throughout the dusty old church. Marcus watched in silence as Seth sat and cradled Paige’s limp body. He had not moved, or spoken to anyone since he had finished what Marcus started.

“Seth?” April whispered, resting her hand on his shoulder.

He ignored her again, he wanted to be left in peace, he wanted to grieve for the girl that once was, not the thing she was about to become, the thing he had turned her into. When he finally glanced up at Marcus, his cold blue eyes danced with a rage that had been bubbling inside him for hours.

“You had no right!” Seth spat slipping his arm from underneath Paige and standing up.

Marcus held his hands up in defeat and foolishly closed the gap between him and Seth, “You would have died, and she would have died. She loves you this is what she would want.” Marcus tried to argue.

Seth shook his head adamantly, she had never shown any desire to become a vampire, and they had never talked about it. Marcus had yet again betrayed him, he knew that Seth would always save Paige from death, she was his mate it was etched into his brain to protect her at all costs. Even if that meant turning her into the very thing he despised being.

“You don’t know what she would want; I have seen in her mind, I have seen the confusion, the repulsion when she thinks about what we do!” Seth roared.

April stepped between the two vampires as they challenged each other, but a pained groan from behind them, stopped them all as they turned around to the source of the noise. Marcus stepped around Seth he was frozen to the spot, and approached Paige slowly.

“Get away from me!” she hissed backing away into the corner, she looked around frantically, hoping for an escape.

Her eyes flickered from Marcus to Seth and back again, “What’s happening to me?” she cried.

Seth looked away, he could not stand to see the look of pain across her now pale face, it flooded his mind with memories of his own transition. The confusion, agony, and thirst were evident on her face as she struggled to comprehend what was happening to her body.

“You’re changing, it’s not a nice process, but it won’t last long. Don’t fight it or the pain will worsen.” Marcus told her softly.

A sardonic laugh from Seth caused Marcus to growl in anger, “If you haven’t got anything helpful to add, then I suggest you shut up!” Marcus warned.

“Oh you want something helpful, well how about we shove her in a coffin for a few days. That’s your usual approach isn’t it, or was that particular torture tailored for me?” he growled.

Paige’s eyes widened in horror at the thought of being locked away, she looked around desperately. She gauged the distance between where she was sitting and where the doors leading outside were. She took the opportunity to flee when once again Seth and Marcus squared up to each other with April stuck in the middle trying to prevent a fight.

Seth was too quick for her though, despite the distraction of Marcus in his face, he saw her move, she was slow and unsteady on her feet and he caught her before she could prise the doors open. “You really don’t want to go out there,” he told her softly knowing the sunlight would kill them both.

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