Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Paige stepped back and glared at Seth, “What did you just say?”

He rubbed his head in frustration, he knew his timing was a little off, but he thought that it wouldn’t matter. He had finally admitted how he felt, and that hadn’t been easy for him, but he could see from the hard look on her face that she wasn’t happy with his confession.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he snapped.

Paige walked away from him, furious at his timing. He had nearly killed Marcus and she had nearly just killed him and now he was saying that he loved her. She couldn’t listen to it, because she didn’t believe him, part of her thought it was just another game.

“You’re just jealous about what happened with Marcus!” she hissed as she walked towards the doors that led outside.

She couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as him, it felt as though the air in the room had suddenly become restricted and she couldn’t breathe let alone think. She always thought that she would feel elated when he admitted his feelings but it wasn’t what she was expecting at all. She felt hurt and angry, he had taken her heart and torn it apart and now he wanted to fix it.

“I am not jealous, do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me to finally admit how I feel!” he told her angrily.

She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped; he actually wanted her sympathy after everything he had done to her. She shook her head in disbelief, but as she tried to open the door, he was in front of it stopping her.

“You’re not walking away from me, what’s changed!” he asked.

Paige raised her eyebrows at him, as if he even needed to ask that question. Over the space of a few weeks, she had gone from living a relatively normal life to being thrust into a world that she had only ever had nightmares about. She did feel something towards him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he had only said it because he was jealous of how close she was with Marcus.

“I didn’t ask for any of this!” she shouted.

Seth narrowed his eyes at her, “Well maybe if you had stayed in your house and kept your nose out of my business none of this would have happened!”

She wanted to slap the arrogant smirk from his face but she knew it wouldn’t even hurt him so it was a waste of time. The anger she felt towards him was like nothing she had ever experienced she was angry that she had to be destined to be with him.

“Well maybe if you weren’t burning bodies in your back garden then I would have kept my nose out!” she retorted.

Seth laughed at her and shook his head, “Even after that you couldn’t keep away from me!”

The tension between the two of them was building to a point where one of them was about to explode, she was glaring at him and if looks could kill he was sure he would have been dead. Paige shoved him hard in his chest, but he didn’t move it was as though he hadn’t even felt her.

“Let me go,” she snarled pushing his hand away from hers that was resting on the doorknob.

Seth wasn’t letting her go anywhere, not now he had told her how he felt. He couldn’t let her walk away from him; he wanted her to say she felt the same. He grabbed her chin and angled her face to his and stepped so close to her that their noses were touching.

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