Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sarah Jones POV

I was practically running to reach the office on time, the rain making everything worse. There was not even a single cab that I could take. By the time I reached the company, I was totally drenched from head to toe.

I knew how Jason was going to react if he saw me drenched like that.

He was going to drag me to hell.

My office was adjacent to his. I could not go there without passing by his office. I had to somehow sneak past his glass windows. So, I was left with only one practical solution.

I crawled.

You read it right, I freaking crawled to my office just to avoid Jason from getting into a raging fit.

Frankly I have no idea how I looked while crawling to my office, but by the looks Jason's secretary gave me, I must have looked like a physically handicapped slimy salamander, whose legs and arms have been cut. Still I got to my rooms premises successfully.

An email was already awaiting me.

"Come to my office."

"Sir, I cannot come to your office right now. You can tell me what you want me to do, I will do it."

"Miss Jones, come to my office."

"Okay, but do not blame me for what you see."

I rose up and went to his office.

Jason was working on his laptop. He was going to look up anytime now.
Was I ready to face his hell? It would not be so bad. It would not be so bad. I chanted inwardly.

Just then, he looked up. Rubbed his eyes. Looked again. Millions of expressions lingered on his face.

Confusion. Anger. Fury .Irritation. Annoyance. Anxiousness.

Oh God, remind me to buy a thesaurus, I am running out of synonyms.

Out of everything I had imagined Jason could possibly say to me, I was not prepared for what he uttered next.


I gasped. "What? Pervert. Why the hell would I strip?"

He glared and shouted at me "You are wet. I can see everything."

I took a glance at myself. My undershirt with cute pink dinosaurs was visible through my soaked white dress shirt. I blushed.
Why was I so lazy? Atleast I could have changed my night shirt.

"Look how you have ruined the wooden floor. Go to the washroom. Do you have spare clothes in your locker here?"

I glanced at his office's wooden floor. My wet existence had left drops of water on the entire wood, making an entire trail. I sheepishly looked at Jason.

"This is a new style. Lovely isn't it?" I pointed at the ruined wooden floor.

Jason glared back at me.

Apparently he did not approve of my interior designing skills.

"Sorry, that is why I did not want to come to your office. I do have spare clothes in my office."

"I wanted to know why a certain reptile was crawling outside my office, but now I know. I will bring your clothes."

"Did you just call me a reptile right now?"

He left without answering me. I went into his attached washroom.

Jason went to the employee lockers to get spare clothes for Sarah. Without any effort, he knew which locker among the others was Sarah's.

The dirtiest one, painted in bold pink.

Inside of it was no different. It was not just dirty; a strange smell was coming out of it.
Did someone die there?

Jason scrunched his nose. Some pairs of clothes were randomly placed there, not even folded. He picked up a crumpled shirt and skirt. His eyes caught sight of an outrageous hot pink underwear set lying there too. He used his napkin to pick it up, as if touching it would curse him for eternity.
Sarah Jones POV

I changed into my spare clothes, which were practically shoved on my face by Jason earlier. When I came back to his office, I could spot two cups of steaming hot coffee on his desk.

"Come here, sit down."

I went to sit in front of him. He gave a mug to me.


"Would you like to eat something?" he asked.


"Okay. I will order."

He started working on his laptop again. I sipped my coffee silently.

Out of nowhere, I sneezed. And Jason being Jason, immediately took out his sanitizer and sprayed the whole bottle over me.

I was eating the heavenly pizza with my hands, the cheese melting in my mouth making me moan. Unlike Jason, who was being sophisticated, displaying his perfect table etiquette.
Show off.

"Jason, what is your star?"


"No way." I squeaked. "Scorpios are so romantic. You do not look like one."

He looked at me amusingly.

"How would you know? You are not my girlfriend."

"I just know."

"Is that so, Sarah?"

Suddenly getting up from his seat, he pulled me up and snaked his arms around my waist, tracing his index finger down my face, his knuckles caressing my cheeks, inflaming me.

"You don't know me enough to create assumptions about me. Too bad you are not my girlfriend. Otherwise I would have proved you wrong."

His lungs must be perfect too because it seemed as if they inhaled all the air there was and I was left so breathless. And surely the lack of oxygen was getting to my heart, making it a fluttering mess.

His masculine fragrance was invading my nostrils, his fingers were burning me, his breath was kindling a desire I did not know could exist within me.

"Still going to assume I am unromantic?"

"No," I whispered.
Just then, he let go of his grasp, breaking the trance I was shackled into, and went back to his seat. He resumed eating like nothing had happened.

I finished eating the pizza and wiped my mouth with my shirt sleeves. Jason looked at me disappointingly and muttered.

"So childish."

He took a napkin and wiped the sides of my mouth. I sneezed. He immediately retracted his hands.

"You are so fired Sarah."

"Is that so? Firstly, I know you cannot fire me. Secondly, what reason will you tell Uncle?

I fluttered my eyelashes to add in extra dramatic effects.

"You fired me because I sneezed while you were wiping my mouth. How lovely?"

He groaned. "Go to hell!"

"Oh, I am already in hell, your hell. You are a handsome devil who likes to torment me."

"Hmm. You think I am handsome?"

I pouted my lips. "Out of the entire sentence, you picked handsome?"

He casually shrugged and a grin appeared on his face.

"I happen to be an optimist, Sarah."


Author's Note

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