Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Sarah Jones POV

It was nine o’ clock at night. I was having hunger pangs. I had skipped lunch and not had my dinner till now because of a certain someone.

My files were not even halfway done. Guess I will have to spend the night in the office if I want to complete this by tomorrow.

"You are still here. Why have you not left? The office time ends at six.”

Turning around I gave him a plain look. I did not even have any energy left to glare at him or fight with him.

“The files are not done yet. You asked me to complete them by tomorrow.”

Just then, my stomach rumbled. No God! Enough embarrassment for today.

“Did you have your lunch?”

No you idiot, my stomach just ate a wolf. That explains the growls.

“No. I did not have time to eat.”

He sighed.
“Come, I will drop you at home. It is quite late.”

“I will take a cab”, I exhaustingly added.
“I have to complete this task too.”

“You can do it tomorrow.”

“Okay. But this does not mean that I failed to arrange them by tomorrow. I am leaving because you are asking me to.”

“All right, Ms. Jones.” he replied all too amusingly.

As I reached out to sit in the passenger seat of his car, he cleared his throat and spoke.
“Can you please clean your heels before entering the car.”

Seriously. Am I that exhausted that my ears are ringing or he did really say that?

“I will just take a cab. Do not bother yourself.” I started to walk away.

“Sarah. Leave it, just come, sit in the car.”

“Are you sure? My dirty shoes might spoil your expensive car or worse scar your perfectionist ego. Will you be okay with that? Or how about, my presence might infect your car because I am a damn virus. Aren’t I? You might have to sanitize your whole car.”

He was startled by my outburst.

But I do not give a damn.

“Are you not feisty? I am your boss, Miss Jones. Mind how you talk to me.”

“Do you give rides to all your employees?”

“I am giving you a ride home because it is quite late at night and also because you are a family friend.”

Poking at his chest, meeting his gaze, and making sure to send venomous hate beams towards him, I spoke.

“Mr. Woods, firstly, just because I am a girl, and it is late at night does not mean I need you to take me home. I am very capable of doing that. Secondly, you are Uncle Woods’ son. I can talk to you whichever way I want, boss or not. It does not matter.”

“Fine, take a cab then.”
With that, he went away in his car and left me alone there.

Not a gentleman after all.

The next day

It took much longer than I had initially anticipated to work on all those files.
My phone beeped. A new email from Mr. Woods.

“Come to my office.”

When I entered his office, Jason was busy arranging the files and stationery on his desk.
Files on the right corner, the pens exactly adjacent to the files, each parallel to the other with an equal distance between them. His laptop exactly in the middle of the desk, lying perpendicular to the files and right in line with his office chair.

Oh God.

My eyes were forever traumatized.

I think I should start using some eye drops or else I might get an eye cancer working here.

Why was he so fussy about everything being perfectly aligned and organised and clean? I wonder how he managed to be a billionaire with a nature like that. He literally spent half of his time trying to bring things up in an order, but I suppose he was a perfectionist when it came to work too.
Yeah, that reminds me of some perfectionist students in my university too, they always used to do, might I add happily and voluntarily, most of the team assignments because apparently no body else could reach their level of perfection when it came to work.

Guess Jason's was a similar case.

A stupid brain cracked case.

No doubt his company was one of the top ones in the country.

Author's Note
Dear readers! Thank you for reading.

Sarah: Vote
You: My hands are kind of dirty.
Sarah: I don't mind.
Jason: I will mind. Sanitize and Vote.

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