Chapter 29: Charles Will Being An Explosion

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Song for the start of the chapter!

The ride back home was silent although dad checked on me multiple times as if making sure my nose wouldn't fall from my face. 

With fast food napkins shoved up my nose, I thought about how Everett threw punches at Charles. He walked towards him as if that was the only thing he wanted to do. He wanted to hurt him, maybe as much as Charles did. Each punch he threw was all this pent-up anger and trauma. But when he got me, he didn't say anything, barely looked at me. In fact, he hadn't texted me about it which added to my anxiety. It made me think that maybe there something different I should have done. 

I tried not to linger on that thought. We hadn't dated for long, but I didn't want to end what we had. It was fun and light when he was away from the stadium. But when he was there, he was someone different. That stadium did something to him. At first, I thought it was because of me, but I realized that I had nothing to do with it. It was because of football. It forced him to change as soon as he stepped into the Shoe.

Finally, I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Charles will being an explosion."

"Do you not think I know that?" Dad said, raising his voice at me as we sat at a red light. He sighed as his body relaxed slightly, realizing he was a little too though. "But this is all Melissa and the board. I don't have a choice in this. They are pushing me against the wall."

Not happy with the response, I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. "If they cared about the team, they wouldn't do this." 

"And I told them that. They just don't care. They think Charles will bring them to their goals." 

I frowned as we pulled up into the driveway. Maybe dad did all he could, but there was something I could do. This was for Everett, but I convinced myself that this would be for the best of the team.

"So, what are you going to tell mom about this?" dad asked, gesturing to my nose. 

"Right, game plan," I said, knowing mom would freak out if she knew what really happened. 

"I'm going to just stay silent as you figure out how you want to precede."

"Training accident. I tried to show the guys the right way to do the tires and I tripped on them, falling on my face."

"Sounds believable," dad said as he turned off the car.

I shot him a look before following him into the house. "Gee, thanks."

He just mealy shrugged with a grin, finding humor in it.

"Hey, guys, you're just in time. Dinner is ready," mom called out to us. 

"Great," I mumbled as I braced myself for the conversation that would follow. With my head held high, I walked into the kitchen and watched as horror came to mom's face as she stared at me. "I'm ok."

"It doesn't look like it." she looked at dad, fishing for answers. "What happened."

"Just a training accident. It really isn't a big deal. I was just a klutz. Dad says it's not broken so that's good," I spoke up before dad said anything. 

"Paul, seriously," mom frowned as she shook her head.

"She's fine. Like she said, nothing to stress about."

"She has Wendy's napkins stuffed up her nose. How can I not be worried about that?" 

I took them out of my nose and tossed them in the trash, hoping that my nose wasn't bleeding any more. "And now I don't." 

"I guess you don't," mom sighed while looking at dad, trying to read him.

"You know how klutzy I can be," I said, as I tried to convince her more. 

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