Chapter 11: Nothing Escapes You

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Look out for the <>! Fun fact, this small-time band is from my local town!

Anyhow, happy monday!

Darla H

Rick casually draped his arm around me as I stood on the field watching a group practice throws. None of them paid attention as Rick pulled me just a little closer.

"Hey, Nora," he said with a smile.

The BO coming from his body made me crinkle my nose as I resisted the urge to push him away.

I had seen Rick do this to other people on the team, however this was the first time he had done it with me. For a second, I liked it; it made me feel like I was a part of the team officially and more than just the intern. So for the few brief moments, I would put up with his BO.

I smiled at Rick. 

Everett said he was not to be trusted and that he drugged the drinks at the party, but there was no evidence of this. No one knew who drugged the drinks, so why was Everett so keen to throw him under the bus? Unless Everett was guilty. 

Since the party, I paid careful attention to Rick, however I saw no red flag, so Ever's warning seemed like nothing now. "Aren't you supposed to be working on weights?"

He nodded as he dropped his arm, allowing space between us so I could breathe. "Nothing escapes you, does it?"

I shook my head with a smirk as I took a deep breath of fresh air. "Go on, get going before you get in trouble for slacking."

"Nah, you wouldn't let that happen to me," he pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. 

As if that would work on me.

I raised my eyebrow at him, crossing my arms over my chest. Maybe it would have worked for other girls, but I was not as easily wooed by him or any other player. We might have been friendly, but I wouldn't overlook his slacking. "You underestimate me."

He smiled. "Is that a good thing?"

I shook my head with a slight chuckle, refusing to give him any more attention. As the intern, I was trying not to have favorites, but Rick talked to me the most, so people might start to think otherwise. "Go, Rick."

With that, he ran off to do the things he was supposed to.

I smirked as I watched him run off and shook my head. Dad was right, I wouldn't fall in love with any of these boys. None of them were my type. Infact, they were only boys, children really, and I had no interest in anything they talked about.

However, one thing I didn't see coming was falling in love with being an intern. We were only three weeks into summer practice, and I wished I helped out last year too. Being here gave me a sense of purpose and excitement that I hadn't had before. As something that I just thought I would do to fill time, turned into something I couldn't see my life without.


"So you're friendly with Rick," Tad said as he walked up to me with a grin.

I turned to face him as I stepped into the shade, hoping to avoid getting sunburnt again. "Because Rick actually talks to me more than most."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "Do you like him?"

My eyes widened as I shook my head. "Rick, gosh no. Never in a million years."

He nodded as his smile slid down his face.

"Do you like him?"

Tad shrugged. "Rick's posy is one of the cuter ones on the team."

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