Chapter 25...

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Ashton's POV

I have been told many times how cold hearted I was, how cruel and how much of a jackass I am. Of course most of those are from woman I have slept with. I have gotten use to being called such things but when Layla said that I was a jackass and didn't care for people feelings, it hurt worst than whenever anyone else said it. The look on her face when I called her a mistake keeps replaying inside my head. I couldn't get rid of her destroyed expression when she left my apartment.

The moment she walked out my door I let loose a loud yell and punched the wall. My entire fist went straight through it and pain radiated up my hand and arm. When I pulled it out my knuckles were split open and bleeding. I stared down at it not even feeling the pain only anger towards myself. How could I have said that to her! She is anything but a mistake, in fact she was the best thing that has happened to me. As the blood starting dripping down my hand I made my way to the bathroom to clean it up and bandage it.

I wish I could take back everything bad I have said to Layla and make it right. But I was to messed up, I was to messed up for Layla. She needed someone who could be loved with everything inside of them not someone who doesn't believe in love anymore. It has been 4 years for god's sake Ashton. You need to get over her! The voice in my head yelled at me. I knew the voice right but I just couldn't get over what she did to me.


"Are you ready for the party tonight " Nick asked me as we made our way to our cars. It was finally friday which meant it was finally my 21st birthday and no college for the weekend.

"Hell yes! Glad my parents are letting us use our beach house for the weekend." I answered back with a grin.

"I know its going to be the best party we have ever thrown!" It was going to be. And it was going to be the best night of my life as well.

"Are you going to meet me and Allie there or want to ride with us?" I asked. At the mention of my girlfriends name Nick cringed.

"I'll just meet you there."

"Come on Allie is as terrible as you think she is!" I was getting tired of how Nick acts every time I mention Allie or even when we hang out together. I have been with Allie for 2 1/2 years now and Nick still doesn't like her one bit. As I thought about Allie I couldn't help but grin.

Allie Montgomery was absolutely perfect. She had long blonde hair, a pair of piercing green eyes that could almost see into your soul. She had long tan legs and the perfect body, well that was a must if she was the cheerleading captain at NYU. Allie was smart, kind, and was funny once you got to know her. Even though she was the cheer captain she was also very smart and could easily make you feel inferior to her in just a matter of moments.

We had met when I had tried out for football and she was trying out for cheer. We bumped into each other coming out of the locker rooms and the moment I saw her I fell for her. I didn't see her for a full week until one of our football practices and she was off to the side with the other cheerleaders. I took me 3 days to finally get her to say yes to a date with me. For our first date I took her to a fancy restaurant and than miniature gold afterwards. From that moment on we became inseperatable Allie was everything I wanted and would ever need.

She got along great with both of my parents, my mother absolutely adored her, and my sister became her best friend. Allie was the perfect student, and girlfriend I could have asked for. Everyone loved her beside Nick he said there was something off about her but I never listened. He was just jealous that I had the perfect girlfriend.

Now 2 1/2 years later and on my birthday I was going to proposed to her. I went with my mom and sister to pick out the best ring I could find. I knew I was only 21 and still had a lot ahead of me but when something feels so right you have to grab it before it disappears. So tonight during the party I'm going to take Allie down the shore a ways where I will have set up a blanket, candles, and a picnic; from there I will propose to her.

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