Chapter 13...

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Outfit on side is Layla's work outfit! I know its Kendall Jenner or whatever her name is but just look past that. :)

I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm. I groaned and rolled over putting my pillow over my head. My alarm went quiet after a minute but than started right back up. Reaching blindly with my hand I tried to slap the snooze button but my hand kept missing. I lifted my pillow up slightly and cracked open my eyes my groggy head staring at my alarm. Staring back at me was the time 4:30 am. Why the hell did I set an alarm for that early? I thought. It took me a full good minute for yesterdays events to come back to mind and to wake up. I have work today! Faster than any normal person at 4:30 in the morning, I jumped out of bed and ran to my bathroom.

Starting the shower to get it warmed up I stripped out of my pjs and quickly jumped in. Setting the alarm to 4:30 sounded insane but since Ashton wanted me there at 6 o'clock and it is my first day I didn't want to be late. I took the quickest shower in history and stepped out of the shower. Steamed billowed around me as I dried off my body than wrapped it around myself as I headed back to my bedroom to get dressed. I knew this part would take me the longest because I had to find something an assistant to the big boss would wear and also be work appropriate; which turned out to be very difficult.

15 minutes later I was standing there looking helplessly at my closet. Most of my clothes littered the ground and my closet looked like a war zone. I have nothing to wear! I thought hopelessly. Checking the clock I saw it was five to 5. Panic started to set in as I looked around my room trying to come up with something. An idea clicked in my head and I knew it was my only option. I had to go face my best friend/roommate at 5 in the morning. Saying a silent goodbye to myself I made my way to Kacey's room. To say Kacey isn't a morning person is a big understatement. She doesn't believe in waking up anytime before 9. Waking her up is like signing your own death warrant which I was about to do.

Pushing her door open I tried to be quiet as I walked to her bed. Taking a deep breath I said her name and shook her shoulder. At this time of the morning Kacey is usually dead to the world.

"Kacey." I said a little louder. When she didn't stir I did the worst thing you could do in this kill her. Just kidding!! Instead I went into her bathroom and filled a cup she had in there with cold water. Coming back to her bedside I dipped a couple of fingers into the water and proceeded to flick the water at her face, Chinese water torture. After a few good flicks of water Kacey's eyes burst open and stared at me.

"You!" Her voice low from sleep and dangerous. If her eyes had lasers in them I would be burnt to a crisp by now. Maybe it was me but her eyes seemed to glow red as she glared up at me. Uh oh I woke the devil up! I backed away slowly.

"Kay I am so sorry but I couldn't wake you. I need your help." I tried to say calmly hoping it would help her not attack me.

"It is still dark outside." She seethed. See told you, she doesn't like being woken up!

"I know but I don't have anything to wear to work. I really need your help."

"Layla you already have clothes for work." She groaned out closing her eyes. She seemed to have calmed down slightly which was good. Oh wait, she doesn't know I quit.

"Um about that. I... don't work there anymore." Her eyes opened instantly.


"I quit yesterday. I was going to call you but I was with Ashton and completely forgot." I said apologetically.

"Again I repeat what?!"

"Sorry Kay I don't have time to go all in detail about it, I will tell you when I get home I promise. I have to leave for my new job in 20 minutes so I am not late! I don't have anything to wear and was hoping you could help." Much to my surprise Kacey instantly got out of bed and stood up. I stood there in shock that she was really up at 5 in the morning. Even when we were in college she made sure to have her classes at 8 or 9.

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