Chapter 29- t shirts

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Ever been queerfished? Cause bitch I just got my heart broken by a girl that said she also liked girls, and now I'm writing this after crying for three hours... :)


You were now in the kitchen sitting on aces lap, slade was giving the side eye to b/n, who was playing with a few crayons on a piece of paper, a few stick figures had been strewn across the page, and an attempt at writing, showing something along the lines of "mama".

"So, do you feel any better? I can bet that you had been scared in the moment, I am sorry that the situation hadn't been dimmed till you were involved" Ace spoke, stroking your hair, while slade was in the background signaling him to shut the fuck up by repeatedly swiping his hands by his throat. You looked up at him in confusion, this has been said before, but this man was tall, like giant level tall. So you looked like a squirrel, a tiny squirrel compared to him.

"Uhm yeah I guess, I woke up feeling nice" you spoke with a content smile on your face, you looked like you were somewhere else, you were here, but your mind wasn't. Your head was all the way in wonderland, it was truly an adorable sight to behold. The two me. Ogled in the light that they could've sworn you were emanating in the moment, you were just so... cute

Goddamit you are adorable

"Well then that is good, I do hope you hadn't gotten to hungry in your time asleep, grandmother spent so much time fussing about when you would wake up and eat, we have(insert food here), she probably made enough to feed an entire country." Ace spoke, trying to hide the fact that he was mesmerized with you at the moment, he pointed to the oversized fridge, which you followed with your gaze, he chuckled under his breath at the memory of his grandmother rambling around about how you were "gonna be starving, and she couldn't let that happen"

"And watermelon! We have a lot of that now!" Slade exclaimed from the sidelines, he grasped the edge of the granite counter and leaned forward, smiling intensely and laughing his ass off. He's energetic as ever.

"Yes, also watermelon." Ace seconded the happy teenagers statement, you nodded and leaned back into aces chest. It was almost as if you are finally comfortable with this family, you know, the stutter you had was pretty much gone, and you cuddled with them as of it was a normal thing now, and your scared glances were replaced with relaxed smiles. You seemed to be actually happier with them? Naaaawwww, no way, right?


"Where is everyone else anyway? Usually just walking through a hallway i run I-into a few people, today there was almost no one?" You questioned the two, neither knew if they should tell you about the move or not, you might get scared and try to run again, or even humor out of another window, which is more than dangerous. And so they opted to tell you later, after getting the approval from their parents.

"They're all either at work, or doing something outside, yeah. I think moms actually buying some more clothes for you, she doesn't like that you keep wearing dads t shirts, thinks they must be uncomfortable for you" slade made up the lie smoothly, to which you believed easily, and nodded on.

As of the situation of your father t shirts, Aaron liked seeing you in his clothing, it showed how little you were, and it gave him a sense of pride, Usually the articles of clothing went past your knees, and they draped over your fragile form like a cape. Again, showcasing how little you are.

"Well then I guess we should get you fed, then we can go watch a movie or something of the such"
———————-at your old home———————-

"Yeah I know, I'll explain later, but please hurry." The officer got off of his phone and looked to his coworker, they had to contain your father (knocked him out and put him in their police car) after he had tried to print up a fight in them checking the house for the small girl that was you. And when they looked inside, it was... unsettling, to say the least. Ns Kim was currently lookin garish during, trying to find where you and b/n actually skirt. She figured that something in your home life was up, but she didn't think it was this bad.

"Oh my god" she muttered in utter horror at the puddle of dried blood that stood in front of a wrecked door, chunks of wood were missing from it, and from the looks of it, someone had punched through it. She pushed open the door to reveal a small room, extremely small to be exact, if she were to put her arms out and reach, she could touch both walls on opposite ends.

A small bed sporting a battered blanket and no sheets, along with no pillow, was sitting in the corner of the room, an iron grating was serving as the head of it, and the mattress had small splatters of blood her and threw, it looked to be rock hard. She had went through the entire home, finding many dangerous items, empty alcohol bottles, and absolutely no evidence that children had ever lived here other Thant he two rooms that held the individual "beds".

A few papers were scattered along the small side table in the room, she bent over to read them, they were income trackers, showing the amount of money that you had made monthly, and what you had given to your parents. Small scribbles of writing were spread out over the entire stack of papers, stating "this needs to be saved" or "continue this amount and you'll be able to leave in a year", just small fragments of speech as such. Ms Kim cringed at the fact that you had to deal with this, the. She looked to the side of the table, where a book lay.

Sooner or later she had finished her brief inspection of the place, theorizing over the smal time period spent on it, it was clear yuh weren't being treated that well, that would explain why you went looking for a job at such a young age, and the blood, there was just so much of it everywhere. Anger slowly bubble duo inside of her as she realized the truth of the situation, she led herself out of the house and to the officers, before hearing many footsteps from different people. One hat the head yelled out-

"An advanced search team has been assigned to the l/n residence! Shall we follow normal protocol and conduct a full search?"

Have a great day :)

Yandere "family" x reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon