Chapter 7-bookworm

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It had been a few minutes now of you screaming, and struggling to get out of this mans hold, what is it with this family and hugs? You had hoped that your escape attempt hadn't angered him, and also hope he wouldn't tell the others. You didn't even want to know how they would react.

You continued to try your hardest to scratch his eyes out, to get him the actual fuck off of you. He, being 6'7, you could t even touch his face. But you as heck tried to get him off of you. He just latched onto both of your hands with one of his own, and forced you off the ground, picking you up bridal style.

"I'll let this one time go, I know you probably don't want the rest to know, don't do that again, you'll find all windows are high up and you could get hurt going out from one." He stated, his chest rumbling as he said so. Jittering your head around.

He had been looking closely at how frail your arms were, it looked like the skin was pulling against the bones in your body, you looked so bony, he was suprised you were able to walk on your own, let alone work multiple jobs.

"Ok, p-please don't tell them" you muttered, and stopped squirming at the promise of silence from him. His eyes softened at that and put you down on your two feet, he didn't want you sedated again.

And of course he was going to tell the family about it, they needed to make sure you could jump out of any more windows, you could escape, or even worse get hurt. They disapproved of the idea of you escaping, but they had many people who could easily track you down, so it wouldn't be that much of a physical problem.

"Of course not, I haven't shown you the library yet. Do you read a lot?" He questioned, tik dying his head slightly as a dog would when confused. It was odd that someone with such an intimidating stance could look so... innocent?

Your head perked up at the sound of library, no one except the local librarian knew this, but you absolutely loved reading, it gave you a sense of false reality. As sad as it sounds, you pretty much hated your life, and reading a book let you think you were somewhere else, living a different one.

You didn't want to enjoy yourself here, but you had probably read the library's books twice over in your free time. And having a literal library in your own home meant you probably had newer novels and books... so as any reasonable bookworm would do, you nodded your head, quite intensely actually.

His face quirked up at the sudden enthusiasm, either you had thought of another way too escape, or you liked books a lot. Judging by your character he leaned more over to the books side.

'So she's a bookworm, that's cute'

"Ok then, you aren't much of a talker are ya? Well let's head off to the library" he spoke and huffed, grabbing your hand delicately again. He led you down another maze of hallways, a few of them had mirrors with antique looking banisters, and some of them had vases and hundreds of photos filled with the family.

When the two of you arrived at the large double doors, you gasped. These were literally the biggest doors you had ever seen... in your entire life. Damien smiled down at your amazed and puzzled face, it was so amazing that he of all the family was able to see this, they're gonna be so jelouse!

Your "brother" continued to open the doors, revealing a humongous luxury looking library, the shelves were clearly packed with books and there were multiple plush chairs. You double gasped and took the entire room in, yet again not realizing the multitude of cameras watching your every move.

————————-in the monitoring room———

"She likes books! Well she's definintly ace's sister if that's true! Just look at her amazed little face!" One of the brothers, better known as Ashton spoke up, pointing towards the large screen with the filming in real time.

Everybody had been waiting for a turn with you, and all of them knew that Damien was definitely dragging this on longer than it should have taken.  Your parents were watching with the same creepy living smiles as before, they couldn't believe you were actually getting along with your brother, and so soon to.

"Yeah that's true, where is ace anyway?" Collin retorted, with the slightest lace of venom in his voice, for no apparent reason.

"I think he went to get more locks and glue for the windows, she pulled a real stunt there didn't she?" Your "grandmother" spoke, laughing slightly at your attempts at escape, you were just too cute!

"Yeah I guess that's reasonable, at least she's not hurt." One of your "uncles" replied to his mother, they hadn't taken into consideration that you would be in their rooms a lot, so they hadn't even thought to keep their windows sealed.

They still were watching your petite figure with intent eyes, Damien was now showing you the different shelves. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. He was totally taking longer than they had wanted,

And it made them angry

———————-in the library——————————

"I'm not a big reader myself, but I can already tell that you are. How did you even get ahold of books? Ehh, anyway ace, one of your other brothers reads an entire lot too. I bet you could spend time here with him" he spoke, finally finished with the books and what was in the shelves.

You were now sitting close to him on one of the maroon plush couches, his arm wrapped around your torso, squeezing you ever so slightly. You had still been confused as to why they wanted you in particular to be in whatever cult thing this was.

"O-oh yeah, so w-why exactly
Am I here again?" You whispered, loud enough for him to hear, he faced you almost immediately. And with a sigh just brought your body into another hug, again, for like the fith time in the past hour. What the hell is with this family and hugs?

He had your face buried in his tattood chest, and was holding your torso close to him, he had explained that you were his sister multiple times, but it was quite clear you weren't believing him. And he was just going to ignore the question until you gave in.

———in monitoring room———

The family was now fuming, you had been with Damien for 3 hours and 34 minutes. They wanted some time with you too! This wasn't fair at all.

"That's it, I'm getting her"

I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, writers block is hitting me like a train today.

What's your favorite book, mine is court of thorns and roses?

Hope you all have had a grand day, byyyyyyyyeeeee


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