
So when your favorite writer on here follows you, how are you supposed to react? I'm not sure whether to squeal or cry.


Am I the only one who watched the documentary?? The whole thing was fucked up and only showed the bad side of this fandom? Is that seriously how the media sees us? That we all stalk them in there hotel room? that we all have all our walls covered in their faces? I'm not gonna say anything about the ship thing, because well, i have a ship. They showed Larry fan art, ziall, and im not sure i kind of turned it off after that but the whole thing was embarassing to the entire fandom. and also zayn watched it. and some family members of the boys. They never showed the other side of the fandom. the side that would do anything for the boys. not to meet them, just to be there for them. the side that doesnt send hate to their beautiful girlfriends, the side that doesnt stalk their personal lives. They stereotyped our entire fandom. To be honest, the whole thing made me sick. There wasnt anything nice about us. I was so close to flipping shit.