
Ok… first off I just wanna say I’m really sorry for saying in my last post that the wait was almost over before I completely dropped off the face of the earth. I don’t want to make excuses. The truth is I was really stressed and my anxiety was so high that I had to just drop everything. I didn’t mean to leave you all hanging for so long. There were so many times I wanted to get back to things, but I was scared that I would just mess things up. 
          	Now, after weeks of nothing but time to think, I am finally getting back to things. I actually started writing last week but a bunch of annoying stuff happened and delayed my progress. But that’s all over now and I’m completely free again. 
          	Once again, I’m really sorry for leaving you all hanging like that. I hope to be more responsible in the future.


Ok… first off I just wanna say I’m really sorry for saying in my last post that the wait was almost over before I completely dropped off the face of the earth. I don’t want to make excuses. The truth is I was really stressed and my anxiety was so high that I had to just drop everything. I didn’t mean to leave you all hanging for so long. There were so many times I wanted to get back to things, but I was scared that I would just mess things up. 
          Now, after weeks of nothing but time to think, I am finally getting back to things. I actually started writing last week but a bunch of annoying stuff happened and delayed my progress. But that’s all over now and I’m completely free again. 
          Once again, I’m really sorry for leaving you all hanging like that. I hope to be more responsible in the future.


Ok so I was originally gonna end the first volume at 25 chapters but, due to my wanting to take a break sooner and the app getting on my nerves recently, I’m shortening it to 20 chapters. That’ll probably make it easier for me to write longer chapters and not get too stressed with the amount. I promise the wait is almost over.


You know how sometimes you experience something so low that you think “it can’t get any lower than this?” Well, for me, it got lower. I have barely been getting some decent sleep for awhile but I ignored it. Today, I read over some of the new chapters I wrote and… wow. Now, I gotta edit and probably re-edit. I’m not kidding when I say that it was one of the most recent embarrassing moments of my life. I’m so glad that none of you got to read some of this nonsense. 


            Glad to know I’m not alone.


@zbritania3 Everyone has those kinds of moments myself included. 
            I actually read my own published for grammar errors 


I’ve removed my list of “Future Story Ideas” because I have come to realize just how stressful it can be on your mental and physical health when writing. 
          I’ll probably still write some of those stories that were mentioned in the list and maybe some that weren’t but I’m definitely not going to write all of those. 
          Also, I want to thank all of you who have been reading my stories and wishing me good health.


I try so hard to stay positive but I just can’t find the strength sometimes and end up hating every single darn thing…


            I am truly grateful to hear that.


            Please don't wear yourself out.


For my “Secret Class 2.0” series, I know how I want to continue the story. I am just trying to figure out a satisfactory way to pace it. 
          For example…
          • Character A has to do this
          • Characters B & F have to have this conflict
          • This is when Characters A & B have to realize <insert thought>
          • This is what happens to characters C & E
          I want to reassure you, if you’re reading this series, that the process is coming along nicely and should hopefully be ready soon. Thank you for your patience. 


Yesss im reading and waiting 


Alright! After tomorrow, I’m diving straight back into writing because I NEED to get back to it! Also because I will finally be free from the clutches of stress.
          He said, knowing full well that life has a habit of kicking him in the shins :|


It’s coming. The overwhelmingly crushing battle me and the things in life that try to bring me to my knees. This fight does not seem like one I will emerge unscathed. But fear not! I will fight hard, so that I can get back to writing.


Stupid me! It was supposed to be “BETWEEN me and the things in life” >:{