
I might remake A Sweet Tooth For You now that we know more about Streber


Yeah, I might even have a bit more Evelyn, I feel like I didn’t really dive into her character enough and she’s really important in the story 


@your_norwegian_homo tbh that would turn out great cause a sweet tooth for you was amazing and then a remake would somehow be even better


I might remake A Sweet Tooth For You now that we know more about Streber


Yeah, I might even have a bit more Evelyn, I feel like I didn’t really dive into her character enough and she’s really important in the story 


@your_norwegian_homo tbh that would turn out great cause a sweet tooth for you was amazing and then a remake would somehow be even better


Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night, put on my glasses (bc I’m a blind mf), and went to go to the bathroom. In the hallway, I saw a person standing across from me. They looked like an off brand Dexter Erotoph. Except wearing nothing but glasses and an oversized Bohemian Rhapsody shirt. I was about to ask them wtf they were doing in my house, when I remembered that my hallway has a mirror.
          And I was off brand Dexter Erotoph. 


Random headcanon about Radford and Rick: The two have been in a queerplatonic relationship for about a year, but there’s something that they’re hiding from each other. Rick is genuinely in love with Radford, but hides it so he doesn’t make thing weird, and Radford does feel romantic attraction, it’s just extremely limited. Kind of like being grayromantic. But Radford is more comfortable with the label aro. The only person he’s ever had feelings for is Rick, but he hides that from him so he doesn’t make thing weird.
          Little do they know…


@lucidgaze I just read this kind of made sense to me it had to read it like five more times and it actually made sense to my small brain XD


@your_norwegian_homo i know this is late af but...LORE